2, 1951-1964 (1 volume); Index for Feeble-Minded, 1949-1979 (1 volume); Index for Mentally Ill [title varies], 1921-1986 (3 volumes); Insane Index, vol. Since 1964 deeds have been recorded in the Book of Records (Clerk and Recorder Official Filings). Records include bonds, general road and highway maps, petitions to have roads constructed or altered, notices, complaints, vacation records, and correspondence. 1, 1859-1885 (1 volume). Series documents the ownership of land. Area: 435 sq. Circuit court records have been inventoried through 1983. ); Portland/Multnomah Commission on Aging Annual Report, 1987-1988 (1 volume). 1, 1849-1854 (1 reel of microfilm). CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Civil case dockets include plaintiff, defendant, attorney, and judge names; nature, title, and disposition of case; and issuance, service, return of summons, and filing dates. [Books], 1855-1960 (9 reels of microfilm); Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon [Abstracts-Genealogical Forum of Portland], 1855-1890 (5 volumes); Multnomah County Oregon Marriage Index [Abstracts-Genealogical Forum of Oregon], 1890-1904 (3 volumes). Registers document individuals who have been classified as criminals but the County Sheriff's Office. Mss. Code of Ordinances [Multnomah County], vol. Typically, Portland City public records are easy to obtain. Records include registers and certificates. Multnomah County Index for Roads, 1951-1976 (1 volume). ); [Road Construction Specifications and Contracts], 1914-1929 (3 cu.ft.). Assess & Tax Deed Transfers [Record], 1983 (2 reels of microfilm); [Deed Record-includes deeds from Washington County until 1854], vol. However, it also reported 49,118 property crimes, 3.52% higher than 2019s numbers. . [Miscellaneous-rolled], ca.1930-ca.1991 (ca.150 maps); State Highway Maps [Strip Maps-rolled], ca.1925-ca.1950 (ca.200 maps). 1714 [Justice Docket-Madison Precinct], 1880-1886 (3 volumes); Mss. ); [Board of Commissioners Annotated Minutes], 1989-2006 (34 binders); 2007-2009 (.40 cu.ft.). 969-1238, 1920-1930 (1 volume); no. 12600-50804, 1933-1957 (48 reels of microfilm). These documents, many of which are public records, are kept by the Multnomah County Police Department, Multnomah County Sheriff's Department or Multnomah County Criminal Courts. 33000-107988, 1930-1968 (1099 reels of microfilm). Individuals interested in obtaining Portland criminal court records may get them from the Records Division of the Multnomah County Circuit Court by email or in person. An official website of the State of Oregon . [AMHSAAC-Adult Mental Health and Substance Abuse Advisory Council Meeting Records-includes minutes], 2002-present (on computer); Behavioral Health Advisory Council-Children & Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Abuse [Meeting Records-includes minutes], 1999-2002 (1 binder); CAMHSA [Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Abuse Meeting Records-includes minutes], 2002-2003 (1 binder); CMHSAC [Children's Mental Health Systems Advisory Committee Meeting Records-includes minutes], 2004-present (4 binders). In the eyes of the law, the arrest or conviction did not occur and the record does not exist. Area Code (s): 503. Ordinance Index, 1962-present (1 binder); Ordinances [public research copy], no. Parking Permit Look Up Tool. Records of the recorders court, police court, and municipal court of the City of Portland are included because all three courts held the status of ex-officio justice court. 94.1-2004.015614, 1994-2004 (3164 reels of microfilm). Records include log books, field notes, and plats. Series records chronological narratives of the proceedings of the court including actions taken such as decrees, judgments, arrangements, sentences, dismissals, and grand jury reports. Civil District Court Docket, 1913-1979 (109 reels of microfilm); District Court Plaintiff & Defendant Index, 1913-1954 (32 reels of microfilm); Plaintiff and Defendant's Small Claims [District Court Index], vol. 2-3, 1872-1876 (2 volumes); Record [Recorders Court Journal], 1868-1870 (1 volume); Records [Recorders and Police Court Journal], 1867-1871 (2 volumes); Witness Docket Police Court, 1886-1891 (1 volume). Topics discussed include the creation, amendment, and appeal of zoning ordinances and county land use laws; county comprehensive plans; and election or appointment of planning commission members. 1200 SW 1st Avenue, Records include correspondence, sheriff's deeds and foreclosure sale records, circuit court case transcripts of foreclosure hearings, writs of execution, certificates of sale of real property, judgment orders, receipts, tax redemption records, delinquent tax sales, and tax sale certificates. 1714 [Justice Docket-Couch Precinct], 1882-1886 (2 volumes); Mss. Over the years probate jurisdiction has been transferred from the county court to the circuit court in most counties. Find Multnomah County, Oregon Jail Records, including inmates, bookings, and release lists by date and name. [Journal County Court Law-includes some citizenship and insanity cases], vol. 1-1303, ca.1861-present (12 feet of aperture cards). Get Criminal Records & Warrants from 15 Police Departments in Multnomah County, OR. Areas are typically zoned for residential, industrial, commercial, flood plain, agricultural, timber, public and government, and mineral extraction uses. Former County Road Files [includes road deeds, plans, specifications, reports, and contracts], 1900-2002 (76 cu.ft.). Information includes financial information, school curricula, boundary descriptions, and enrollment and attendance data. [Miscellaneous-Record], 1958 (1 volume); Insane Record, vol. Coroner and inquest records have been inventoried through 1965. 1-18, 1908-1943 (7 reels of microfilm); [Criminal Docket-North Portland Precinct], 1887-1888 (1 reel of microfilm); [Judges Docket-Municipal Court], 1894-1926 (15 reels of microfilm); [Justice Docket], 1891-1892 (1 reel of microfilm); [Justice Docket Criminal], 1908 (1 reel of microfilm); [Municipal Court Docket Index], 1924-1971 (16 reels of microfilm). Information includes township, range, and section numbers, names of donation land claim holders and claim numbers, claim dates, acreage, and descriptions of surveys. ); Surrender Jurisdiction Roads [Vacation Register], 1957-1973 (1 volume). In 1994 the name of the Children and Youth Services Commission was changed to the Commission on Children and Families. The certified copy should not be taken apart. [Topographic Maps-United States Geological Survey], 1970-1986 (21 maps). Contact specific county human services offices for information about other related advisory boards, councils, or committees. Claude M Foster in Oregon Multnomah County arrested for POSS HEROIN (B Felony), DWS/REV MISD (A Misdemeanor) BLOG; CATEGORIES. 1 Records [Report on a Study of the Public School System of Portland], 1942 (5 volumes). [Assessor's Maps], 1978-1979 (ca.300 maps); [Land Use Survey Maps], 1986-1990 (ca.200 maps); Multnomah County Wetlands Maps, ca.1988 (ca.20 maps). ); 2007-2009 (75 cu.ft.). Records may include title registers, land indexes, land registration registers, torrens registry of titles, indexes to registered land, certificates of title, town lot indexes, ownership registers, and plat books. ); Probate Index, ca.1855-1939 (1 reel of microfilm); Index to Probate Cases, 1855-1983 (10 volumes); [Index to Probate Cases], 1856-1977 (4 reels of microfilm); [Probate Case Files], no. Annual Report of the County Auditor of Multnomah County, Oregon [title varies], 1930-1966 (ca.37 volumes); Auditors Semi-annual Exhibit of Finances of Multnomah County [Reports-title varies], 1885-1929 (ca.90 volumes); Multnomah County Sheriff's Annual Reports, 1935-1939 (5 volumes); 1945-1946 (2 volumes); Report of a Survey of Public Health Nursing in Multnomah County, Oregon, 1942 (1 volume); Report of the Activities of the Office of County Auditor, 1975-1987 (ca.10 volumes). Nov. 8, 2021 5:02 p.m. Multnomah County's jails face "critical" staffing shortages on a daily basis, while those reporting to work are facing burnout and are being met with a jail population in. Judgment and execution records have been inventoried through 1920. Arrest Report and mugshot for Osiris Jovante Malcom - Orlando, FL, Florida Mugshots and Arrest Reports - 2023-03-01 1-853, 1871-1980 (ca.740 volumes); Circuit Court Reciprocal Register, vol. . A-I, K-M, O-Z, 27-63, 1855-1869, 1869-1871, 1871-1883 (61 volumes); Direct and Indirect Index to Deeds [surnames beginning with A-H, M-O, S, W-Z], 1849-1894 (7 volumes); Guide to First Deed Index, 1850-1894 (1 volume); Index to County Deeds, 1926-1965 (1 volume); Index to Deed Records, vol. 1-6, n.d. (2 reels of microfilm); Surveyor's Records-includes corner restorations [with index], vol. The register provides offenders classified information as Level 3 (presenting the highest risk of reoffending) only. A & T Tax Lot Cards [Assessment and Taxation], 1986 (34 reels of microfilm). Probate Estate Record [William Beck Inventory], 1889 (1 volume). For audio requests please be prepared to include the information listed below: Note: if you don't have this information, please send us an email (make this a link: mul.records@ojd.state.or.us ), to help you complete your order. To obtain ones criminal history record, individuals must complete the proper criminal history request form, attach fingerprints and a $33 fee, and mail the request to the CJIS. Series reports the activities of county officials to the county court or board of county commissioners. Through this portal, researchers can get free online access to basic court records for the circuit and tax courts in Oregon, including Multnomah County Circuit Court. Records may include alphabetical indexes to the certificates, transcripts, statements, evidence, and other records specifically related to water rights cases heard by circuit and appellate courts. Mss. Estates Trust Ledger [with index], 1918-1970 (1 volume). Series documents actions filed with the county related to mineral interest claims. [Road Proceedings-includes petitions and vacations], no. Permanent Files [County Court Rolls-Judicial Case Files], 1914-1915 (.10 cu.ft.). Learn how. 160-161, 1903-1905 (2 volumes); vol. Information includes description of corners; existing markers; descriptions of new markers and any changes made to the locations; property owners; township, range, and section numbers; donation land claim information; date the new markers were set; and surveyor's signatures. Multnomah County Courts. Series documents the discussions and activities of the county planning commission as recorded in the minutes and agendas. Multnomah County Criminal Records Violent Crimes (2008): 4,008 Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 34 Forcible rape: 330 Robbery: 1,304 Aggravated Assault: 2,340 Property Crimes (2008): 35,246 Burglary: 5,281 Larceny-Theft: 25,751 Motor Vehicle Theft: 4,214 Multnomah County Genealogy Records USGenWeb.org Pay Range: $34.61 - $43.81 Hourly Department: Sheriff Job Type: Regular Represented Exemption Status: United States of America (Non-Exempt) However, if researchers run into trouble when seeking specific records, they may use the tools provided on the third-party website, Oregon State Police Criminal Justice Division, Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registry, Multnomah County Online Inmate Search Page, Multnomah County Circuit Court - East County, Multnomah County Circuit Court - Juvenile. Series records the results of the examination of a corpse by the county coroner at the request of the county sheriff. Series documents the recording of deaths in the county. After a motion is granted, all official records of the arrest and conviction are sealed. 53, 1920 (1 reel of microfilm); [Miscellaneous Books-includes some Certificates of Sale for Delinquent Taxes], vol. Death certificates not older than six months following the death are obtainable at the Multnomah County Health Department. Marriage License Index & Bks. Information may also include nationality, physical description, birthplace, health, and religion of household members and agricultural production statistics. Marriage Licenses, vol. Foreign Voter Registration Cards [Multnomah County], ca.1908-ca.1966 (29 reels of microfilm). Read More. The information contains private financial data. Foreclosure records have been inventoried through 1920. Later budgets may include organizational charts and a narrative of each county office function. Records include fair board minutes, reports, and annual premium lists and publications. The following information is based on an October 2012 inventory. Multnomah County Map [Assessor's], 1972 (1 volume). D Book [Surveyor Journal Government Monuments], vol. 1-87, 1855-1929 (13 reels of microfilm). All comments and opinions are submitted by Internet users, and in no way reflect the views or opinions of this site's . ); Westside Light Rail [Contract Records-includes plans], 1993 (.75 cu.ft.). https://greshamoregon.gov/Gresham-Police-Department-News/. Your public records search may include: Background records, Criminal Records, Arrest/Warrant Records, Court Records, Property Records, Relative Search, Asset Search, Business Search, VIN & License Plate Search, DUI/DWI records and Driving Violations, Marriage & Divorce Records, Birth Records, Death Records, Unclaimed Money and more Circuit Court Indexes [also indexes probate cases beginning in 1984], 1976-1997 (2 binders of microfiche). Series may also contain school attendance and grade reports and data on students and parents. 2-971, 1855-1860 (3 cu.ft.). Interested persons may get Portland civil court records from the Records Division of the Multnomah County Circuit Court by email or in person. 1-2326, 1929-1964 (614 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Index [Direct], 1945-1972 (17 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Index [Indirect], 1945-1972 (17 reels of microfilm); Mortgage Records [boxed], vol. Information includes applicant name and address, children's names and birth dates, amount of pension or monthly support payment, and county court order. [Abstract of Votes], 1960 (1 reel of microfilm); Abstracts of Vote-General Election, 1878-1928 (1 reel of microfilm); [Record of Elections], 1902-1968 (1 reel of microfilm). The GFO holds the original Multnomah County marriage record books dating back to the very first recorded marriage in 1855. In House Counsel Jobs New York | JDHuntr 40912 Counsel, Compensation & Benefits, San Francisco, CASee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Series lists those eligible for military service and records the discharge dates of those who served in the military. Multnomah County District Attorney's Office Court Records All visitors (in-person and visiting by video) must dress appropriately in fitted clothes covering sensitive body parts. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Have been recorded in the eyes of the law, the arrest and conviction are sealed for,! Feet of aperture Cards ) County circuit court in most counties County officials the. Other websites ) ; vol a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Credit! 1920 ( 1 volume ) death are obtainable at the Multnomah County Map Assessor... And attendance data records of the arrest and conviction are sealed offices for information about other advisory... Of reoffending ) only x27 ; s Office County court to the circuit court in most counties Commission Aging... 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