Please dont feel sad that someone disagrees with you. Follow on Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. As for the scandal yes I was aware of it. He argued at the time that such mandates violated constitutionally protected religious liberties. "[37], MacArthur is an outspoken critic of same-sex marriage, the ordination of women, the Roman Catholic Church, and the social justice movement. Last year, when far-reaching government restrictions were put in place, the megachurch continued holding indoor worship services despite bans on such gatherings. Los Angeles County sued the church over its refusal to close down, and the church counter-sued, claiming that the County was violating rights to freedom of religion. ", "New Covenant Theology Compared With Covenantalism", "Why Every Calvinist Should Be a Premillennialist, Part 1", "Megapastor John MacArthur says 'no one is gay', compares homosexuality to adultery", "L.A. megachurch pastor mocks pandemic health orders, even as church members fall ill", "Fact Check-CDC comorbidity figures presented in sermon do not undermine deadliness of COVID-19", "L.A. County could pay $400,000 settlement to church that fought COVID-19 mandates", "John MacArthur and Grace Community Church win $800,000 settlement from California and L.A. County",, "Questions and Answers -- Patricia MacArthur",, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 07:45. Weve been getting those kind of signals for the last number of weeks., A year ago, when county officials were trying for the fourth time to obtain a court order to shutter Grace Community Church, MacArthurissued his own declaration against the county, which he argued was impeding on his congregations free exercise of religion by criminalizing activity directly required by our faith. He went on to state the church has moral and religious obligations to continue allowing our congregants to gather in our sanctuary to worship the Lord., The utter unnecessary deprivation of all our people by completely shutting down the mutual love and care that sustains our people in all the exigencies, pressures, and challenges of life was cruel, he said. [2] He is currently the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in Santa Clarita and The Master's Seminary. MacArthur responded "unqualified" and proceeded to argue that Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church, was not qualified, by Biblical standards, to be a pastor. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. David, you use your blog to write some really encouraging and courageous articles for which Im very grateful. And if you do wish to engage here, I would find it helpful if you answered my questions and stick to the point otherwise such threads just become a string of accusations. In John MacArthur's book, "The Truth War" he writes that " Churches today are filled with people like that. He teaches a completely restored Israel shall inherit physical ownership of the land of Canaan on the earth. I replied tongue in cheek and its unfortunate my smiley emo didnt indicate that. Its not loving, judgemental, take the beam out of your own eye, it aint wrong to be rich, youre just jealous, hypocrite. I Gotta Reply This Is So Pathetic, First Of All As A Leader In Christ Steven Furtrick Is A Good Pastor And If You Really Heard His Message ,He Is A Man Of God And He Only Speaks The Truth You That Are Workers Of Iniquity Be Sure That Youre Sins Will Find You Out Second Of All How In The Hell You Gonna Sit Here And Judge A Man Of God ..I Believe God Called This Man To Build His ( God) House And Get The population Ready For Whats About To ComeAnd Its Far More Then Noah And A Flood.If There Were Many Pastors Like Steven Furtrick In This World There Wouldnt Be So Much Hate And Crime And Killing Drugs Etc News People Why Dont You Start Digging In The People That Are Really committing crimes Stop Digging In Something You Know Nothing About Cause If You Really Knew How God Works . I was not picking on one church: you offered Matt Chandler as an example of how mega churches get it right and I was replying to that by urging caution. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, as well as an author, conference speaker, chancellor of The Master's University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. The Good Contrary to expectations I am not one of those Calvinist ministers who automatically discounts any church which grows beyond a couple of hundred, as being a mega fake, doctrinally incorrect, pseudo church. You were rightthat was not very mature. Purpose doesnt have a parking spot is no substitute for many are the plans in a mans heart but it is the Lords purpose that prevails. I am intrigued as to why you think my challenge to the claim is disgraceful and totally unwarranted, but you dont think the claim itself is? And now I have to go and read his recommended book I hope its not as bad as the reviews suggest! This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, One other thing is that success can get to ones head. I made no comment on how Matt Chandler lives as a Christian. It happens. L.A. County has reportedly spent nearly $1 million in attorneys fees and other costs since the legal battle with Grace Community Church began. [11] From 1966 to 1969, MacArthur was hired as the faculty representative for Talbot Theological Seminary. But it takes a lot of hard work, time, and money to do what we do. I've carried one of these of an NAS with the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs with me for years and years, so that's why I wanted this to be the first one. yes it was dishonest of you to misrepresent my position as some pastors are untouchable. [46][47] He stated that there was a deadlier virus killing peoplethe virus of sinleading many to eternal death, in contrast to physical death. Period. I d not think there is any man alive especially a young man who could cope with this degree of adulation and not have his head explode with pride. Your comment about owning churches is actually ban on the mark. From 20052015, MacArthur made about $3.4 million in compensation from GTY and TMUS, for an average of about $320,000/year. Haters will hate This is a classic example of 1 Timothy 5:13 MacArthur, 83, was preaching Sunday service earlier this week when he reportedly said he felt ill. And lets talk about finance. Sorry David, we must be talking about different books. 3. Im sorry, but I didnt state that I had written to you in love, though I did try very hard to temper my comment to you. Stephen Furtick I just listened (lots of fast-forwarding) to a talk he gave at the New Spring church titled Sun Stand Still (which I think relates to one of his books). Give me one example of Kellers irreverence? When searching for churches outside of the United States, please search using city, country. [4], The grandson of Canadian Anglican minister Harry MacArthur (died 1950) and son of Baptist radio preacher Jack MacArthur (born in Calgary, Canada)[5] and Irene Dockendorf, MacArthur was born in Los Angeles. We welcome another new contributor, Edward Benitez, as he biblically critiques a sermon given by Steven Furtick. Here is Kate Shellnut: Last year, Hohn Cho concluded Grace Community Church had made a mistake. I note you dont answer my questions about Dallas Baptist Church. [48][49], In February 2023 Christianity Today[50] published multiple instances of MacArthur's Grace Community church advising woman to stay with sexually and physically abusive husbands. You are aware of them as you demonstrated when writing about Mr Furtick. David, once again you are making assertions that do not stand scrutiny. He argues that "the battle for the beginning is ultimately a battle between two mutually exclusive faiths faith in Scripture versus faith in anti-theistic hypotheses. Name calling really doesnt constitute argument does it? It is indeed a blessto have a fellowship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and indeed the Lord reigns. Were deeply grateful for that. Opinion Mark Wingfield. And it's thewe call it the Shepherd's Testament; it has a little shepherd's rod on the front. Matt. It has that effect on people to go from 14 to 20,000 so go sit underneath the ministry until you can see what he sees. Your other remarks continue to be provocative, misleading and snide and I wont grace them with a reply, other than to say that I have no need to retract any of my remarks, for the reasons already explained to you. It is also grossly unfair (and dishonest) for you to misrepresent my position as making some pastors untouchable. 4) Your last post just uses ad hom and tries to dodge justifying your original statement about Chandler by attacking me and what I have said, whilst giving not one concrete example. The young man concerned served for many years as a missionary in South America before returning to the USA to head up the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. This is what I mean by legalism in my original post. John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American Protestant pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program Grace to You. However the issue that really gets to me is the money one. The Amazon website only has E S Williams book on sale as 30:08.! Theres clearly no transparency or accountability at Elevation Church! An unknown man clad in black confronted Grace Community Church pastor John MacArthur during service on Sunday, Aug. av. It is no improvement on, or explanation of, the Word of God. ", Grace Community Church parishioners make their way to Sunday service in Sun Valley on Sept. 13, 2020. It was not an accusation, nor an attack. I know the drill. This has become an increasing generational divide, where self help and selfishness mixed with weird legalism has been manufactured, packaged, and sold as faith. Some are good, some are bad. I am happy though if you wish to withdraw your initial comments. MacArthur 12 having been Jul 25, 2017 - Explore Rhonda Johnson's board "Elevation Church", followed . [25], MacArthur has stated that he opposes both "male chauvinist and feminist views. For all who oppose success in serving Jesus Christ!!! Could you tell me the difference? He has been the pastor of Grace Community Church, a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California since February 9, 1969. You said he was a great example, I urged caution and pointed to a recent event where he and his church had attracted adverse publicity because of how they handled a particular incident. Then you will remember your evil ways and your wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. [52], Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, Independent Fundamental Churches of America, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Theology and Ministry: An Interview with John MacArthur", "1998 Gold Medallion Book Awards Winners", "Voice of Calvary Legacy - The Legacy - Page 3", "When should a Christian fight for his country? He is currently the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in . Excellent post David. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, as well as an author, conference speaker, chancellor of The Master's University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. Hardly the same as Furticks message! (Note the attempted injection of humour!). PPS. You then go to the other extreme and say that I am lumping every mega church together. The point you made about Matt Chandler was that he does not live as a Christian (how can you know that? False teachers and those who allow the Word of God to be compromised are like a cancer in the church; some who preach flat out heresy are like the aggressive cancer and are easy to spot quickly but others who compromise a bit here and turn a blind eye there are akin to the slow growing tumour thats often not picked up until great damage is done. Your replies to G White were disgraceful and totally unwarranted, particularly in light of the respectful way he/she raised a perfectly justifiable concern. His message contained enough truth to make it seem plausible, but at heart it was man-centered. MacArthur denied the charge, as attested on two tapes recorded in 1989 when he was asked to reason together with the IFCA man.[35], MacArthur advocates Young Earth creationism in his book The Battle For the Beginning (2001), and in his sermons. To be sure he writes from a certain perspective, as you do, but he presented his case quite calmly using documented and verifiable evidence. all Christians are the same etc. Williams has more than misgivings about neo-Calvinism (as he calls it to call Piper, Keller and the Proclamation Trust neo-Calvinists is just silly). And what is your position, from Scripture, on the subject? Im afraid your post is a classic example of taking a bible verse out of context and using it, whether ignorantly or deliberately to defend sin. I dont know enough about Elevation to make that kind of judgment, but there are warning signs. The digressive discussion of church trappings in some ways diminishes the toxic nature of this actual ministry content its danger isnt in size or wealth or me focus, it is in the false gospel it promotes he is not qualified to preach. [27][28][29], MacArthur describes himself as a "leaky dispensationalist. Your endorsement of Williams book which I have now read is indicative of that. How easily the lure of money and outward success can lead a good man astray, and sadly take with him many people. One such person who has joined the ranks of GTY is Cameron Buettel, author . G White had stated that Matt Chandler was not a good example of teaching or living and then went on to pass on gossip about a particular discipline case in the Village Church. The elders had publicly disciplined a woman for refusing . Yes, some of it is biblical and Furtick is a good communicator, amusing, connected etc.but a great deal appears to pay only passing lip service to the Bible. Lets put it this way- if you are buying a $1.8 million home you aint exactly of the take no purse school of ministry! I hope this is mature and open enough for you! I think youve just answered your own question; how very sad. A point you also mentioned. Will you not come and revive us? And it is culturally not relevant to us at all! What is there to apologise for? Thanks again, Your email address will not be published. He did not say Timothy Keller is an anti-Christian preacher. I have no idea if you are particularly legalistic or not but the type of comments you were making, most certainly are. Because he is a pastor? Some might expect be to be critical of the entertainment Hillsong style worship and the whole professional stage go that goes along with it. Even though it was only a couple of pounds I regret wasting the money. Can you forget your ministries, your programs, and your visions and instead seek to follow Christs? Excellent post! Staff Pastor Tom Patton delivered the sermon in MacArthurs stead, telling churchgoers the senior minister was resting., ***As the number of voices facing big-tech censorship continues to grow, please sign up forFaithwires daily newsletterand download theCBN News app, to stay up-to-date with the latest news from a distinctly Christian perspective.***. 2) I challenge you to provide some evidence for that statement and question whether you were just against mega churches per se. Your remarks were and continue to be misrepresentative, deceitful and sly. This British website sets out clearly the Biblical gospel, compared to the ME gospel, in the context of evangelism. John MacArthur and the folks from Grace to You (GTY) have done the body of Christ a great service by continually warning Christianity against the growing dangers within the Charismatic movement. I know of Alistair Begg from his Hamilton Baptist days but not much else. By the way I got your recommended book. I have reread the comments by G Whiteand my own responses. I have a suspicion that much of the health and wealth teaching which is plaguing much of the church in Africa, Asia and South America is primarily an export from the US, with perhaps a little help from Europe, (all in the name of spreading the gospel). Its wrong to mock and you should try to win them over without mockery. So far there has been no evidence given for assertion. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. PASTOR JOHN MACARTHUR DEFIES CALIFORNIA'S COVID RESTRICTION AGAINST INDOOR SERVICES, The statement continued, "He saw a doctor on Sunday afternoon and he is in good health, and just needs rest from a busy holiday week. Why would you equate Chandler with Furtick, but First is ok? Its just name calling which again results in self-justification and does not really contribute to any discussion. Paul Guay was a pastor at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) who had been molesting his daughter, Wendy since at least 1979. Sadly The Lord will deal with him, and it will be very painful for him and his family. All I would say is that there was no irrational, ranting, preaching anywhere in it. Despite concern from church members, Grace Community Church has assured the public that MacArthur is recovering and doing better. Because your worth it! LOL! Thats hypocrisy, and no, that doesnt constitute name calling. [3] MacArthur has written or edited more than 150 books, most notably the MacArthur Study Bible, which has sold more than one million copies, receiving a Gold Medallion Book Award. Jenna Ellis,the churchs attorney,tweeted about the settlement. These John MacArthur reckless faith quotes will make your faith stronger. Anyone at least you have persuaded me to read the book I hope it is not a waste of good time! The writer of Hebrews 12:14 states frankly that only those who continue living holy lives will enter the Lord's presence." From a spiritual standpoint its an even bigger (and opposite) no-brainer! Im not rich at all but Im also not jealous of someone who has far more people and more money. It does say that if you are not careful many with money err from the faith and it also says the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil, NOT MONEY ITSELF. [6] During a 1979 interview, Pastor MacArthur stated he is "distantly related to General Douglas MacArthur." You rightly speak out against the Scott McKennas of this world but you seem to have a blind spot where certain pastors are concerned. I fail to see where the legalism is in any of my comments. Im sure with a church of such a size these issues are found amongst some, and appropriate discipline and loving correction are needed. L ast week, John MacArthur celebrated 50 years in the pastorate at a conference at his congregation Grace Community Church. Im not sure that things work in quite the same way in the US. Really? or redistributed. I simply stated that the book on my Amazon feed was priced at 30 and I was not going to pay that. For you to say that I did makes you guilty of the thing you wrongly accuse me of and it is quite reprehensible. If I had said that I wasnt happy with any mega church, that would have been a fault as well. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The challenge (as you have already pointed out) is to warn and admonish from a place of love, and of course to pray. And I wasnt using any of the debating society tricks of tu quoque and ad hominem in anything that I said. ", MacArthur is married to his wife, Patricia. complete with standing ovation. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images), Even as the pastor was sick, the church elder remained upbeat, adding, "Its pretty pretty amazing we have guys with sermons in their Bibles wherever you go and so Mikes going to be here.". In 1960, after a year off, he was accepted to the Free Methodist Churchs Los Angeles Pacific College, where in his senior year he observed two games of football, going on field once for one play (see 1962 yearbook statistics). Given that you were speaking in the context of my remarks about Chandler, your comments were clearly a warning about him and a warning that his teaching was like a slow growing cancer. You are just exporting your own. "[26] He has a complementarian view on gender roles and considers that the Bible forbids women to preach to men or to exercise authority over men in churches, and he believes that the Biblical roles of elder and pastor are restricted to men. Then there is the whole question of what the church is about. One expression of faith creates refugees; the other resettles them. But again, whilst it is not my style, I dont see why it cant be done well, reverently and to the glory of God. I might write a review later but the book is dreadful Mark Driscoll and Tim Keller, for example, are frequently careless and irreverent in the way they use Scripture. Really? As for Southern Baptists liking Donald Trump, its almost as bad as you liking Scottish Nationalism. . To this end he cites the biblical passage of 1 Timothy 2:11-12. The Bad Sadly, whilst every church has the bad, because we are all sinners and therefore infect any structure or organization we are part of, there are sometimes churches that go much further and wander away to the extent that one can hardly call them a church at all. In 1969, after graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary, John came to Grace Community Church. Pastor John MacArthur on Sunday commended GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada, which is meeting in secret after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) barricaded their building behind three layers of chain link fence. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! So for me this is not about petty jealousies, nor anti-Americanisms, nor cheap shots at other peoples foibles in order to make me feel better. There is nothing more basic than these. I dont know enough to say anything about the worship, church structure and other ministries of the church, so I wont. The truth be told the Bible never once says it is wrong to have money or stuff. Whether you are a legalist or not I dont know. In 1989, after some criticism, he defended his views in a plenary session of the annual convention of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA). You then accused me of muddying the waters by dropping in a bit of juicy gossip. If we believe that the message in our books is from God, and we feel it so strongly, then we dont really need to promote it, do we? A prominent elder at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) has resigned, stating in email leaked to The Roys Report that his "conscience and convictions" were not aligned with other GCC elders. The prominence of the pastor on the website, the Stephen Furtick ministries page, the common self-referrals and endless self-promotion of books/resources etc. Money one the churchs attorney, tweeted about the settlement some really encouraging and courageous articles for im! Lead a good man astray, and your visions and instead seek to follow Christs enough about Elevation make! The writer of Hebrews 12:14 States frankly that only those who continue living holy lives enter... Non-Denominational Church in Sun Valley, California since February 9, 1969 accuse me of and it be! 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