Now we can envision our future free from the obstacles we have allowed to restrict our intensifying growth, and take the risk to seize the moment in pursuit of our deepest passions and sense of what will bring our entire being alive with electrical life. Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus in Aries included the Cardinal Cross of April 2014 with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, and Mars in Libra. This is the sudden flash of insight famous throughout history, like the story of Nikola Tesla seeing an image of a waterfall as a young boy and becoming filled with the knowing that he would one day figure out how to harness its power as electricity, as he did decades later. In contrast, Prometheus had the ability to not only strategize action in advance, but to successfully strike back at the oppressive powers in control in order to create a liberating impact. In. This opening is at the core of all of our efforts at self-realization; this is the realization of the Self. Alan Oken in hisComplete Astrology brilliantly analyzes this connection between Jesus and lambs with the individuating purpose of Aries individuals: In the Christian ethic, Christ was known as the Lamb of God. The crucifixion was symbolic of the ancient sacrificial rites in which a lamb or a ram was offered to the Deity. The fact is that each person has to do something different, something that is uniquely his own (p. 162-164). The tending of sheep is important in all of the Abraham faiths, since Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, and Muhammad were all shepherds. Through streams of associations that lead us to further associations, we begin to gather around us a library of resources from which we can structure a belief system and philosophy through which to live that aligns with our Soul desires. Evolutionary Astrology embraces paradigms and methodologies which specifically measure the growth of the soul from life to life. Since eclipses often correlate with sudden and unexpected events that can be uncomfortable, this Sabian Symbol of Gautama becoming the Buddha suggests we could experience spiritual growth through facing the events without attachment to our past, and through welcoming the struggle between the will of our soul and the will of our ego personality- achieving growth in consciousness through the conflict. We will need to discern what aspects of our ideal we can compromise to fit into the current system while maintaining the essential meaning of purpose. I do not mean to suggest that we need to go through a death experience at this time in our lives, just that the symbol of death and transformation associated with the archetype of Scorpio is very important right now, being the polarity to so much Taurus energy. From Astro-Databank. On a global level, our personal epiphanies will be happening within the whole of the paradigm shifts associated with the first quarter square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury, and Uranus being in Aries and being triggered by numerous intense transits recently, it would seem we are in a period of time in which new archetypal ideas could be entering our collective consciousness. The connection to Venus can be felt in the sensuality of our flesh merging with the flesh of our lover, the scent of our lovers sweat, the taste of their skin. Soul-Centered Astrology: a key to your expanding self. The conjunction of the two planets occurs approximately every fourteen years. Soul-Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self. Fittingly for this Taurus eclipse season, the two main signs of the 4th Ray are Taurus and Scorpio- Taurus, the sign of being in form, beauty and art, and the creation of the various forms of life and the ultimate release of consciousness from them that constitutes the lessons of daily living (Oken, p.120), and Scorpio, the archetype of transcending attachment to form, ruled by Pluto on our ego level because of bringing about the death process of our desire nature. Rudhyar emphasized that Jupiter cannot be interpreted separately from its relationship with Saturn, as Jupiter receives, manages, and initiates within the boundaries of Saturn. In his book Man and His Symbols, CarlJung criticized the connotation of the term archaic remnants created by Freud to describe dream imagery evoking ancient myths because it suggested that they were psychic unconscious elements collected by the conscious mind like a trash can. In Jeffrey Wolf Greens Evolutionary Astrology, Uranus is the long term memory mind of our Soul- meaning not just all of the memories from our own lifetime beyond the ones we consciously remember this moment, but all of the memories from all of the past incarnations of our Soul. It merely tries to feel whether it should grow more toward the left or the right, toward the slope or away from it. (2007). The t-square between Jupiter in Virgo with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces will create disillusionment that fosters a vital reorientation of vision being developed within the cycle of Uranus and Jupiter. Fortunately, at the same time that Jupiter in Libra reaches its Full opposition with Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius will form a Disseminating trine with Uranus on December 24, 2016. Fundamental to the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green is the need of the Soul to feel secure. He left his princely palace life in order to follow his own Path of Spirit, a journey which took him into many turns leading within himself. . The challenges that will be experienced during 2016 in the buildup to Jupiter reaching this first opposition to Uranus in their current cycle, will ultimately enrich the flowering of meaning and vision we can give birth to at the end of 2016. Mark Epstein,Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change, p. 125. As the Christian version of Easter occurs during the time of Aries, it is fitting that we are used to associating the image of the Lamb of God with Jesus of Nazareth. . Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries will again trine on June 22, 2015 at 2003. (p.67-69), Carl Jung fromMan and His Symbols (1964). It can only modify its outer appearance and the quality and balance of the organic forces which operate within that structure. This brings up the question, what is desire? Jupiter: Organizer of Functions. Jung, Carl and M-L von Franz, Joseph Henderson, Jolande Jacobi, & Aniela Jaffe. Jupiter will be retrograde. Through the glimpse of a painting, the sound of a song, the prose of a poem, or innumerable other gateways, we feel something within our Soul light up in recognition of a kindred Soul quality. So what does all of this have to do with us today? During this phase we will explore the full meaning of the Jupiter and Uranus cycle that began in 2010, and as relationships will be essential for us to discover this meaning, it will also be necessary at times to withdraw from the social sphere in order to reconnect with our inner vision. The purpose is to create a thriving . Unrelated to astrology, in the community college class I teach recently students have been creating projects and writing exploring what they want to attract into their life, what their current purpose in life is, what they desire to have in their life, and what they value. It can only modify its outer appearance and the quality and balance of the organic forces which operate within that structure. Uranus: Master of Transformations. And so a trinity of fire unfolds before us, with an individuating force beckoning creative actualization. What will you do? This necessitates at times for our experience of the Uranus archetype to come into conflict with the myriad consensus belief systems in place focused upon the way human beings should interact with one another in society. The conjunction of the two planets occurs approximately every fourteen years. The first phase may manifest in many ways; perhaps through slow stages of progressive thinning out of the Saturnian shells so that these become finally like translucent window-panes through which the consciousness centered within the shells may behold vistas of the beyond. Are you all awake and ready? Green, Jeff: Gender: M: Birthname: Jeffrey Wolf Green born on: 2 December 1946 at 04:52 (= 04:52 AM ) Place: Hollywood, California, 34n06, 118w20 : Timezone: PST h8w (is standard time) Data . In contrast, thought regarding Jupiter stretches back as far as the entire expanse of time astrology has existed within. The image of the Bull above in the ancient caves of Lascaux, France represents just how long the archetypal image of the Bull has been significant to humans- we are talking over 17,000 years ago most likely! Jupiter helps us integrate what the external world has to offer that will contribute to our inner structure, just as Jupiter needs the same protective structure of Saturn in order to operate within. It is our sense of self-certainty in either case that is the issue, because since life is always changing, if we are clinging to any sense of self too strongly we are not being fully in the moment, fully going on being (p.22). The Buddhas teachings were always direct and to the point. Maggie's general openness and inclusiveness towards other astrologers. In Evolutionary Astrology as developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green, the cycle of Jupiter and Uranus involves the nature of beliefs we are conditioned to project upon reality, as well as the process of liberating from past influences in order to find a meaningful vision of life to live from. It is, moreover, useless to cast furtive glances at the way someone else is developing, because each of us has a unique task of self-realization. February 26, 2014 at 1033 with Jupiter retrograde as Mercury was stationing direct. We are born into circumstances saturated with the belief systems of the adults who feed us, teach us, and take care of us. Both Jupiter and Uranus were retrograde at this time. The Jeffrey Wolf Green Association of Evolutionary Astrologers was founded in 2022 as a place for astrologers and students of Evolutionary Astrology, both seasoned and new, to come together and share their passion and excitement for the core teachings of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. However, this is exactly why the strong impulse to be of Aries is so important, to propel us forward into birthing our true selves into the world through actualizing new choices more aligned with our true desires, a sense of self that is not limited by past negative thought patterns or restrictive habits of behavior, and that carries the courage necessary to break free from outside expectations. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. A few years later when we arrived at the crisis in action signified by the First Quarter square between Uranus in Aries with Jupiter in Cancer, we found ourselves in an extremely catalytic astrological atmosphere that also involved a First Quarter square between Pluto in Capricorn with Uranus in Aries. . For one, it means that for ages human beings have been developing belief systems around trying to control and regulate, in a Capricorn manner, the interactions of humans within societies. Green explained this is similar to how we do not even consciously remember every single thing that happened to us yesterday, and our long-term memory becomes even more imprecise every following day, week, year, and decade. Love expresses itselfthrough the lovers, for real Love is a cosmic undifferentiated principle or power which simply focuses itself within the souls of human beings who reflect its light. This Taurus energy is even more intense today as later we will experience a Solar Eclipse in Taurus, with the Sun and Moon within a few degrees of the South Node of the Moon in Taurus. Man strives hard to achieve great things through daring adventures, but a moment comes when all that really matters is to present a calm mind upon which a supernal light may be reflected. Oken, Alan. Thus according to the man who coined the term archetypes, they are not in fact locked in to rigid definitions or classifications, but are indeed open to being birthed into new representations like the Esoteric Astrology interpretation of Aries, as long as they retain their basic pattern. Two days later on March 20 we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 29-30 of Pisces and then later in the day will celebrate the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, the Fall Equinox if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. Using the number seven as a symbol for consciousness in these ways, we find that the number four is in the middle, and the number four stands for being heart-centered. Thus the First Quarter square aspect between Jupiter in Cancer and Uranus in Aries, that also involved a Full opposition between Jupiter with Pluto in Capricorn, led to an examination of the beliefs we were living from and whether or not we were living from a sense of conformity to the inherited values of the society, family, friends, and associations surrounding us. The previous Jupiter and Uranus cycle began on February 5, 1997 at 553 Aquarius. But this creatively active aspect of the psychic nucleus can come into play only when the ego gets rid of all purposive and wishful aims and tries to get to a deeper, more basic form of existence. As most of us know, Jeffrey Wolf Green pioneered the understanding and use of all the Planetary Nodes in the birth chart as they relate to the ongoing evolut. The spiritual light within the greater Soul must struggle against the ego-will that only knows how to use the powers of this material and intellectual world. The image of the Buddha above may not be the first one that comes to mind when you think of Taurus, the sign of the bull, until you begin to consider how his teachings connect with the conflicts we encounter in our physical incarnation in a body, and the suffering we cause ourselves through the crystallized patterns of thoughts and emotions we view our world from. This natal interpretation of Uranus in Aries to me fits the current transit of Uranus in Aries being in square to Pluto in Capricorn, as we are all being confronted with how we can manage to integrate the ideal vision we have for our life into the current reality of the power structure, such as economic and political conditions in our surroundings. The North Node of Uranus in Gemini therefore relates to how the projected religions, philosophies, and ethics were focused on facilitating the organization of people into collective societies that eventually turned into the nation states we have today. When our vision of life fueled by the knowledge we are gaining from our personal experience (Jupiter) comes into conflict with the norms dictated by consensus belief systems (Capricorn where Pluto is currently transiting and the location of the South Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) we arrive at a crux in which we can feel judged, ashamed, and guilty or could instead rebel and individuate with self assertion in the direction of the vision being felt within. Recently, I have felt compelled to read some of Jungs own original writing regarding archetypes and how he came to describe them. Going through a near death experience, or a ritualistic experience in which we believe we may die, helps us destroy our ego perspective that feels dependent upon society or the expectations of others to validate our authority, and helps us step into our own inner authority in an authentic manner without fear of judgment. 321K subscribers in the astrology community. To add more books, click here . Jupiter organizes the chaos within the structure of our consciousness through love and yearning, through our senses and feelings, through our intuition and imagination. (1974). Joseph Campbell and others have elaborated upon the significance of ritualistic deaths in myths and in the reality of cultures around our planet, in that the important thing is that the participants believe they are going to die, and so experience a death of their infantile ego. Ibis. On the Pontine Swamps (1852) by Arnold Bcklin. Green describes people with Pluto in Aries or the First House as sensing that they have a special destiny on a very instinctual basis, and that as a result they desire to have the freedom and independence to initiate and fulfill any desire or experience they deem necessary, because experience is the vehicle through which they discover or become who and what they are (p. 43). During each of these, as well as during the intervening oppositions, decisive crests of remarkably synchronous breakthroughs and innovations appeared to take place within a brief period of time in many areas of human activity. We are born into cultures and societies sprung from centuries of religious and philosophical traditions and conflicts. What if it were no longer there? Epstein connects this non-attachment to a fixed entity of self to the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha, since the Buddha taught that the first type of clinging is for pleasant sensory experiences, and is equivalent in many ways to the Freudian sexual drive and involves the seeking after sensory gratification (p. 10). That is why I have not revealed them.. Epstein also connects this issue to being a therapist, and how his desire for control, in the form of being a helper, is as much of an obstacle to healing another person as it is to healing oneself (p. 56). The cycle and interplay between Jupiter and Uranus connects us with transformative breakthroughs in thoughts, behaviors, and events that can feel unsettling and liberating. In other cases, the Uranian action is sharp and explosive. Now, three months later, they are finally conjunct once again, conjunct the South Node of the Moon at the same time as a Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node of the Moon! 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