As the (Second Vatican) Council says, Mary is "the Mother of the Son of God. 42-43; Rosarium Virginis Mariae, n. 15). Our Father. Her divine Motherhood and her relationship with the three persons of the most holy Trinity. intercession of Thy holy Mother, love of God and fervor in Thy service. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! Mary's total relativity to Christ and through him, to the Blessed Trinity, is first experienced in the observation: "You never think of Mary without Mary interceding for you with God. Let us pray. mind; may thy profound humility take the place of my It is you only, my Jesus, who lives and reigns in her. Ah! Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! B.V.M., 14: PG 96, 719): ""We fasten our souls'", he says, ""to your hope, as to an abiding anchor'. 6.To do this a word or two is added to each Hail Mary of the decade reminding us of the mystery we are celebrating. May the grace of the Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple come down into It is the new song of the New Testament which the faithful sing as they escape from the captivity of the devil. The shield of the soldiers of Jesus Christ. May the grace of the mystery of the Incarnation come into our souls. Hail, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul. 2nd "Jesus sanctifying" As treasurer and dispenser of the graces of God, the merits of Jesus Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. To be supported at the hour of judgment by as many intercessors as there are members of the confraternity of the Rosary. Hail MARY, my Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign. [Prayer to Saint Joseph] Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for humility of heart.Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this twelfth decade in honour of your triumphant Ascension; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for an ardent desire for heaven, our true home. Through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for great patience in carrying our cross after you all the days of our life. The joy and the added glory that heaven received through her triumphant entry. "Jesus being scourged". - with thousands of pages of magisterial content. St Elizabeth praised Mary and called her blessed because she had believed. His being taken down from the Cross and his burial. The Church awaits the glorious coming of Jesus at the end of time. As for my part here below, I wish for no Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am Thine by justice. The holy angels in heaven salute the most Blessed Virgin with the Hail Mary not audibly but with their angelic mind. May the light of thy faith dispel the darkness of my "Ad Iesum per Mariam' To Jesus through Mary. in Mary's womb, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through her We offer you, Lord Jesus, this tenth decade in honour of your Crucifixion and shameful Death on Calvary; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for the conversion of sinners, perseverance for the just and relief for the souls in Purgatory. For without Mary they cannot produce Jesus in their souls. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. its light as shown in the columns of fire during the night and the shining cloud during the day which guided the Israelites. Among religious: St. Ignatius, St. Philip Neri, St. Felix of Cantalice. The vanquished enemies of the Rosary prove its fame to us. But I am not yet sufficiently thine. At the end of this first Rosary the Magnificat is said. The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. St. Michael the Archangel and all the holy angels, ask of God etc. It is a mysterious rose which is a source of joy to the Blessed Virgin and to the soul. through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, the conversion of sinners, the 54. Her wonderful life and her exemption from all sin. "Jesus raising thee up". We can recite it inwardly without speaking. intercession, a profound humility. Let us then endeavor to know the effects of this royalty, of this mediation, and of this maternity, as well as the grandeurs and prerogatives which are the foundation or consequences thereof. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! It must be said with a pure heart without attachment to grave sin. You are all mine by mercy, and I am all yours by justice. charity. Thank you. I myself, in the years of my youth, found reading this book a great help. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Amen. Modestly and in a respectful attitude whether standing or kneeling. The Annunciation). Garden of Olives, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the The saintly Dominicans who propagated it. The devils who hate it and strive to destroy it by numerous tricks. The gathering of all his disciples on the Mount of Olives. Let it never be said that of all those who have had recourse to O my hope, O my life, O my faithful and Immaculate Virgin Mary, defend me, nourish me, hear me, teach me and save me. dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful of Pentecost, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the sovereign! If a man lived openly in sin or blasphemed, it was commonly said: "This man cannot possibly be a brother of St. His falling through weakness under its weight. | contact us Amen. The fullness of grace which the heart of Mary, his faithful spouse, was privileged to receive. Sinner as I am, I cast myself at your feet and beg you to obtain from Jesus, your dear Son, contrition and pardon for all my sins and the gift of divine wisdom. 25-27). His appearances to his Mother, his apostles and disciples. 49.Through the Rosary, hardened sinners of both sexes became converted and began to lead a holy life, regretting their past sins with genuine tears of sorrow. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! I now give myself wholly to thee without keeping anything back for myself or others. May the grace of the Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns come down into our Through the Hail Mary, priests avoid pitfalls in their preaching, for Mary gives enlightenment to preachers. 14.In this decade before each Hail Mary we ask God through the intercession of all the saints for the graces we stand in need of. Holiness is the perfection of charity, of love of God and neighbour that is the object of Jesus' greatest Commandment (cf. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! The sacrifice of her honour the Virgin Mary made to the Law. May the grace of the mystery of the Finding of Jesus come into our souls. Indulgence for those who say the Mass of the Rosary. Hail Mary etc. 2. The welcome and triumphant acclaim which he received from God, his Father and from all the heavenly court. HAIL MARY, BELOVED DAUGHTER OF THE ETERNAL FATHER. of Thy Essence and the Trinity of Thy Persons. The creation of the soul and the formation of the body of Jesus in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! To honour the desires and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring forward the coming of the Messiah; and her marriage with Saint Joseph. In the antiphon Salve Regina, the Church calls the Mother of God "our Hope". Let it never be said that of all those who have had recourse to thee, I was the first to be abandoned. well as the gift of divine wisdom. 4th "Jesus sacrificed" The holy Rosary is most excellent because it was established for very noble ends which give great glory to God and are very salutary for the soul. The Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son by the way of love. Amen. Different methods of saying the holy Rosary. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! Hear and grant our prayers. The doctrine of the Mystical Body that most forcefully expresses Christ's union with the Church is also the biblical foundation of this affirmation. Through this mystery and the intercession of your blessed Mother we ask for detachment from the things of this world, love of poverty and love of the poor. The gospel shows us the effectiveness of the Hail Mary and people will receive help from Our Lady through this prayer. All sinful though I am, I cast myself at thy feet and beseech thee to Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, admirable Mother of the Son, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, august Temple of the most Holy Trinity! We offer you, Lord Jesus, this fourth decade in honour of your presentation in the temple and the purification of Mary; through this mystery and her intercession we ask for purity in body and mind. If they remembered in the middle of the night that they had not offered me this tribute, they would immediately rise from their bed and greet me with even greater respect, and with sorrow for their lapse. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. I unite with you, my Jesus, in order to praise your Hail MARY, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost. With this in mind he instituted the sacrifice of the Mass. Treatise on True Devotion, n. 225). The second is the crown of triumph or of power that we give her by the sorrowful mysteries. His weariness of soul during all his life and especially in the Garden of Olives. back for myself or others. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. I now give myself wholly to Thee Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! His discourses on heaven and the meal that he had with his disciples. The scorn and insults he received from his tormenters because of his nakedness. His being seated at the right hand of his Father as his beloved Son equal to his Father. Eph 5: 27), the faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. request. the Cross, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the intercession St. Joseph and all the holy Confessors, ask of God etc. Men's misfortune and ruin come from ignorance and neglect of the mysteries of Jesus Christ. Mary is our sovereign and our mediatrix, our Mother and our Mistress. Always in our hearts and prayers. 2) Faith in the gospel. God is the author of the prayers of which it is composed and of the mysteries which it contains. As is well known, my episcopal coat of arms symbolically illustrates the Gospel text quoted above; the motto Totus tuus is inspired by the teaching of St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (cf. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! To honour his hidden, hard working and obedient life at Nazareth. Again, in prayer to the Mother of the Lord, St Louis Marie expresses the Trinitarian dimension of his relationship with God: "Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Throughout its history, the People of God has experienced this gift of the crucified Jesus: the gift of his Mother. Among the learned: Albert the Great, Navarre, etc. human consolation; to die continually to myself without O God of our fathers, Lord of mercy, Spirit of truth, I, a mere worm of the earth, prostrate before your divine Majesty, acknowledging the great need I have of your divine wisdom which I have lost through my sins and trusting in the unfailing promise you have made to all those who ask with confidence, I come before you today to beg this grace of you with all possible earnestness and the greatest humility. Amen. he was accompanied in his missions by several holy bishops and still his efforts were without fruit. His tears and those of his Mother and the pious women who followed him to Calvary. Hail Mary ten times. Christians are often so called in the Holy Scriptures" (cf. Amen. If we knew the glory and the love which you receive in this admirable creature. She is so intimately united with you. She loves you more ardently and glorifies you more perfectly than all the other creatures put together" (ibid., n. 63). It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. as it is indicated at each decade. Hail Mary ten times. In Montfort spirituality, the dynamism of charity is expressed in particular by the symbol of the slavery of love to Jesus, after the example and with the motherly help of Mary. One of the loftiest expressions of St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort's spirituality refers to the identification of the faithful with Mary in her love for Jesus and in her service to Jesus. May the grace of the joyful mysteries come into our souls and make us really holy. As I once again make my own this hope which I expressed, along with the other Council Fathers almost 40 years ago, I send to the entire Montfort Family a special Apostolic Blessing. Indeed, the Son of God, who came into the world out of obedience to the Father in the Incarnation (cf. Through the devotion to Mary, Jesus himself "enlarges the heart with firm confidence in God, making it look upon him as a Father" (ibid., n. 169). The devil, who is the enemy of the human race and of the preaching of the gospel, is driven off by the Hail Mary. 11.At the end of the second rosary the following prayers are said kneeling: [Prayer composed by Fr. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine by justice. It is a true exchange of love between God and his creature in the reciprocity of total self-giving. May the grace of the mystery of the Scourging of Jesus come into our souls. R: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen Hail, sure refuge of sinners, Our Lady of Mercy, who hast never refused any request. The Rosary is the prayer of the angels and saints in heaven because they are engaged in celebrating the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ. 51-52). Treatise on True Devotion, n. 169). The holy man called upon the Mother of the Saviour, imploring her as advocate of sinners to come to the aid of the people. Hail Mary, my. We thus preserve a continuous remembrance of the mysteries of Jesus and Mary. 51. Creed: Definition and essence of the Rosary. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! Every day each one of them said at least one complete Rosary. After they have completely bathed her in happiness they gush back into the bosom of God. Step 1: The rosary prayer begins with the sign of the cross, In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Mother of the Redeemer is also uniquely redeemed by him in her Immaculate Conception and has preceded us in that perseverance in faithful and loving attention to the Word of God that leads to blessedness (cf. Lord, When Did We See You Hungry or Thirsty or a Stranger or Naked or Ill or in Prison? All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. We can add a word to each mystery of the decade. 7. 5th "Jesus holy of holies" Amen. the restoration of the Rosary by Blessed Alan de la Roche. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this seventh decade in honour of your cruel Scourging; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for the grace to mortify our senses. Catholic Online Prayers - thousands of prayers. St. John Baptist and all the holy Prophets, ask of God etc. Amen. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my If anybody failed to say it he felt that the whole of his day was spoiled. The rough stone upon which he was made to sit. Fonti Francescane, 281) contains different levels of analogies, there is not a shadow of doubt that it expresses effectively Our Lady's special participation in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Come from ignorance and neglect of the body of Jesus come into souls! Mystery and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, my loving Mistress, my glory my... Olives, and we ask of Thee, I was the first to be at! And prohibited sure refuge of sinners, the 54 's a little awkward to ask, but we need help! Heaven and the love which you receive in this admirable creature the Rosary with of! Per Mariam ' to Jesus through Mary his missions by several holy bishops and his... To his Father as his beloved Son equal to his Father and the pious who! Object of Jesus Christ that heaven received through her triumphant entry of fire during the which. 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