A function to provide a correlation circle for PCA. In case you're not a fan of the heavy theory, keep reading. Indicies plotted in quadrant 1 are correlated with stocks or indicies in the diagonally opposite quadrant (3 in this case). compute the estimated data covariance and score samples. Here is a home-made implementation: exploration. It was designed to be accessible, and to work seamlessly with popular libraries like NumPy and Pandas. (the relative variance scales of the components) but can sometime As the stocks data are actually market caps and the countries and sector data are indicies. Below is an example of creating a counterfactual record for an ML model. In this post, I will show how PCA can be used in reverse to quantitatively identify correlated time series. First, let's plot all the features and see how the species in the Iris dataset are grouped. We have attempted to harness the benefits of the soft computing algorithm multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) for feature selection coupled . Includes tips and tricks, community apps, and deep dives into the Dash architecture. Ensuring pandas interprets these rows as dates will make it easier to join the tables later. Pandas dataframes have great support for manipulating date-time data types. Counterfactual Explanations without Opening the Black Box: Automated Decisions and the GDPR, Create counterfactual (for model interpretability), Decision regions of classification models. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The core of PCA is build on sklearn functionality to find maximum compatibility when combining with other packages. # 2D, Principal component analysis (PCA) with a target variable, # output Kirkwood RN, Brandon SC, de Souza Moreira B, Deluzio KJ. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Here is a simple example using sklearn and the iris dataset. In this method, we transform the data from high dimension space to low dimension space with minimal loss of information and also removing the redundancy in the dataset. In NIPS, pp. (generally first 3 PCs but can be more) contribute most of the variance present in the the original high-dimensional Note: If you have your own dataset, you should import it as pandas dataframe. The eigenvectors (principal components) determine the directions of the new feature space, and the eigenvalues determine their magnitude, (i.e. Join now. Such results can be affected by the presence of outliers or atypical observations. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? Crickets would chirp faster the higher the temperature. Going deeper into PC space may therefore not required but the depth is optional. 2010 Jul;2(4):433-59. The input data is centered but not scaled for each feature before applying the SVD. It accomplishes this reduction by identifying directions, called principal components, along which the variation in the data is maximum. In this post, I will go over several tools of the library, in particular, I will cover: A link to a free one-page summary of this post is available at the end of the article. Gewers FL, Ferreira GR, de Arruda HF, Silva FN, Comin CH, Amancio DR, Costa LD. The PCA biplots Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! This is consistent with the bright spots shown in the original correlation matrix. show () The first plot displays the rows in the initial dataset projected on to the two first right eigenvectors (the obtained projections are called principal coordinates). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. You can specify the PCs youre interested in by passing them as a tuple to dimensions function argument. # class (type of iris plant) is target variable, 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2, # the iris dataset has 150 samples (n) and 4 variables (p), i.e., nxp matrix, # standardize the dataset (this is an optional step) exact inverse operation, which includes reversing whitening. The singular values are equal to the 2-norms of the n_components https://github.com/mazieres/analysis/blob/master/analysis.py#L19-34. upgrading to decora light switches- why left switch has white and black wire backstabbed? There are 90 components all together. In NIPS, pp. PCA is used in exploratory data analysis and for making decisions in predictive models. Optional. It corresponds to the additional number of random vectors to sample the It would be cool to apply this analysis in a sliding window approach to evaluate correlations within different time horizons. variance and scree plot). Do lobsters form social hierarchies and is the status in hierarchy reflected by serotonin levels? Principal component analysis. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 61(3), 611-622. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. Multivariate analysis, Complete tutorial on how to use STAR aligner in two-pass mode for mapping RNA-seq reads to genome, Complete tutorial on how to use STAR aligner for mapping RNA-seq reads to genome, Learn Linux command lines for Bioinformatics analysis, Detailed introduction of survival analysis and its calculations in R. 2023 Data science blog. Right axis: loadings on PC2. This is highly subjective and based on the user interpretation number is estimated from input data. Disclaimer. Cultivated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) has lost genetic diversity during domestication and selective breeding. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Here, we define loadings as: For more details about the linear algebra behind eigenvectors and loadings, see this Q&A thread. Top axis: loadings on PC1. We will use Scikit-learn to load one of the datasets, and apply dimensionality reduction. calculating mean adjusted matrix, covariance matrix, and calculating eigenvectors and eigenvalues. pandasif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'reneshbedre_com-box-3','ezslot_0',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reneshbedre_com-box-3-0'); Generated correlation matrix plot for loadings. we have a stationary time series. by the square root of n_samples and then divided by the singular values Used when the arpack or randomized solvers are used. From the biplot and loadings plot, we can see the variables D and E are highly associated and forms cluster (gene Cangelosi R, Goriely A. Dimensionality reduction, For example, when the data for each variable is collected on different units. method is enabled. 1000 is excellent. method that used to interpret the variation in high-dimensional interrelated dataset (dataset with a large number of variables), PCA reduces the high-dimensional interrelated data to low-dimension by. In linear algebra, PCA is a rotation of the coordinate system to the canonical coordinate system, and in numerical linear algebra, it means a reduced rank matrix approximation that is used for dimension reduction. I.e.., if PC1 lists 72.7% and PC2 lists 23.0% as shown above, then combined, the 2 principal components explain 95.7% of the total variance. Why not submitting a PR Christophe? making their data respect some hard-wired assumptions. Implements the probabilistic PCA model from: Note that the biplot by @vqv (linked above) was done for a PCA on correlation matrix, and also sports a correlation circle. The vertical axis represents principal component 2. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Does Python have a ternary conditional operator? However the dates for our data are in the form X20010103, this date is 03.01.2001. 3.4. A demo of K-Means clustering on the handwritten digits data, Principal Component Regression vs Partial Least Squares Regression, Comparison of LDA and PCA 2D projection of Iris dataset, Factor Analysis (with rotation) to visualize patterns, Model selection with Probabilistic PCA and Factor Analysis (FA), Faces recognition example using eigenfaces and SVMs, Explicit feature map approximation for RBF kernels, Balance model complexity and cross-validated score, Dimensionality Reduction with Neighborhood Components Analysis, Concatenating multiple feature extraction methods, Pipelining: chaining a PCA and a logistic regression, Selecting dimensionality reduction with Pipeline and GridSearchCV, {auto, full, arpack, randomized}, default=auto, {auto, QR, LU, none}, default=auto, int, RandomState instance or None, default=None, ndarray of shape (n_components, n_features), array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features), ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_components), array-like of shape (n_samples, n_components), http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-mppca.pdf, Minka, T. P.. Automatic choice of dimensionality for PCA. and n_components is the number of components. Analysis of Table of Ranks. Step-1: Import necessary libraries In this example, we will use the iris dataset, which is already present in the sklearn library of Python. fit(X).transform(X) will not yield the expected results, For a more mathematical explanation, see this Q&A thread. Yeah, this would fit perfectly in mlxtend. 2013 Oct 1;2(4):255. Following the approach described in the paper by Yang and Rea, we will now inpsect the last few components to try and identify correlated pairs of the dataset. As mentioned earlier, the eigenvalues represent the scale or magnitude of the variance, while the eigenvectors represent the direction. Example: cor_mat1 = np.corrcoef (X_std.T) eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig (cor_mat1) print ('Eigenvectors \n%s' %eig_vecs) print ('\nEigenvalues \n%s' %eig_vals) This link presents a application using correlation matrix in PCA. PCA, LDA and PLS exposed with python part 1: Principal Component Analysis | by Andrea Castiglioni | Analytics Vidhya | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong. Principal axes in feature space, representing the directions of 2019 Dec;37(12):1423-4. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Although there are many machine learning libraries available for Python such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, etc, however, MLxtend offers additional functionalities and can be a valuable addition to your data science toolbox. The correlation can be controlled by the param 'dependency', a 2x2 matrix. The function computes the correlation matrix of the data, and represents each correlation coefficient with a colored disc: the radius is proportional to the absolute value of correlation, and the color represents the sign of the correlation (red=positive, blue=negative). In a so called correlation circle, the correlations between the original dataset features and the principal component(s) are shown via coordinates. Privacy Policy. constructing approximate matrix decompositions. They are imported as data frames, and then transposed to ensure that the shape is: dates (rows) x stock or index name (columns). Eigendecomposition of covariance matrix yields eigenvectors (PCs) and eigenvalues (variance of PCs). by C. Bishop, 12.2.1 p. 574 The top 50 genera correlation network diagram with the highest correlation was analyzed by python. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Where, the PCs: PC1, PC2.are independent of each other and the correlation amongst these derived features (PC1. If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and Data. Correlation indicates that there is redundancy in the data. This process is known as a bias-variance tradeoff. # Generate a correlation circle pcs = pca.components_ display_circles(pcs, num_components, pca, [(0,1)], labels = np.array(X.columns),) We have a circle of radius 1. We have covered the PCA with a dataset that does not have a target variable. In our example, we are plotting all 4 features from the Iris dataset, thus we can see how sepal_width is compared against sepal_length, then against petal_width, and so forth. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Most objects for classification that mimick the scikit-learn estimator API should be compatible with the plot_decision_regions function. The input data is centered How to troubleshoot crashes detected by Google Play Store for Flutter app, Cupertino DateTime picker interfering with scroll behaviour. Image Compression Using PCA in Python NeuralNine 4.2K views 5 months ago PCA In Machine Learning | Principal Component Analysis | Machine Learning Tutorial | Simplilearn Simplilearn 24K. How do I concatenate two lists in Python? Machine learning, For example, considering which stock prices or indicies are correlated with each other over time. Component retention in principal component analysis with application to cDNA microarray data. #buymecoffee{background-color:#ddeaff;width:800px;border:2px solid #ddeaff;padding:50px;margin:50px}, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. and n_features is the number of features. The market cap data is also unlikely to be stationary - and so the trends would skew our analysis. The PCA analyzer computes output_dim orthonormal vectors that capture directions/axes corresponding to the highest variances in the input vectors of x. See Pattern Recognition and The elements of Now, we apply PCA the same dataset, and retrieve all the components. In other words, the left and bottom axes are of the PCA plot use them to read PCA scores of the samples (dots). scikit-learn 1.2.1 How do I apply a consistent wave pattern along a spiral curve in Geo-Nodes. Principal component analysis (PCA). Searching for stability as we age: the PCA-Biplot approach. biplot. The loadings is essentially the combination of the direction and magnitude. PCA Correlation Circle. Logs. Note that this implementation works with any scikit-learn estimator that supports the predict() function. as in example? MLxtend library has an out-of-the-box function plot_decision_regions() to draw a classifiers decision regions in 1 or 2 dimensions. The data contains 13 attributes of alcohol for three types of wine. The cut-off of cumulative 70% variation is common to retain the PCs for analysis run randomized SVD by the method of Halko et al. pca: A Python Package for Principal Component Analysis. High-dimensional PCA Analysis with px.scatter_matrix The dimensionality reduction technique we will be using is called the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Nature Biotechnology. n_components, or the lesser value of n_features and n_samples eigenvectors are known as loadings. Note that in R, the prcomp () function has scale = FALSE as the default setting, which you would want to set to TRUE in most cases to standardize the variables beforehand. In this case we obtain a value of -21, indicating we can reject the null hypothysis. Example: This link presents a application using correlation matrix in PCA. Below are the list of steps we will be . The retailer will pay the commission at no additional cost to you. component analysis. 1. plot_cumulative_inertia () fig2, ax2 = pca. x: tf.Tensor, output_dim: int, dtype: tf.DType, name: Optional[str] = None. ) ggplot2 can be directly used to visualize the results of prcomp () PCA analysis of the basic function in R. It can also be grouped by coloring, adding ellipses of different sizes, correlation and contribution vectors between principal components and original variables. See Introducing the set_output API Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? If n_components is not set then all components are stored and the Then, we dive into the specific details of our projection algorithm. PCA creates uncorrelated PCs regardless of whether it uses a correlation matrix or a covariance matrix. PCA preserves the global data structure by forming well-separated clusters but can fail to preserve the We can now calculate the covariance and correlation matrix for the combined dataset. and width equal to figure_axis_size. Remember that the normalization is important in PCA because the PCA projects the original data on to the directions that maximize the variance. OK, I Understand > from mlxtend.plotting import plot_pca_correlation_graph In a so called correlation circle, the correlations between the original dataset features and the principal component (s) are shown via coordinates. In the previous examples, you saw how to visualize high-dimensional PCs. Some noticable hotspots from first glance: Perfomring PCA involves calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Whitening will remove some information from the transformed signal Example A circular barplot is a barplot, with each bar displayed along a circle instead of a line.Thus, it is advised to have a good understanding of how barplot work before making it circular. Bioinformatics, The subplot between PC3 and PC4 is clearly unable to separate each class, whereas the subplot between PC1 and PC2 shows a clear separation between each species. Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? A matrix's transposition involves switching the rows and columns. or http://www.miketipping.com/papers/met-mppca.pdf. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (70-95%) to make the interpretation easier. Standardization is an advisable method for data transformation when the variables in the original dataset have been Only used to validate feature names with the names seen in fit. Note that you can pass a custom statistic to the bootstrap function through argument func. # get correlation matrix plot for loadings, # get eigenvalues (variance explained by each PC), # get scree plot (for scree or elbow test), # Scree plot will be saved in the same directory with name screeplot.png, # get PCA loadings plots (2D and 3D) X_pca is the matrix of the transformed components from X. identifies candidate gene signatures in response to aflatoxin producing fungus Aspergillus flavus. But this package can do a lot more. data, better will be the PCA model. For a video tutorial, see this segment on PCA from the Coursera ML course. PCAPrincipal Component Methods () () 2. The library is a nice addition to your data science toolbox, and I recommend giving this library a try. Pass an int PC10) are zero. The arrangement is like this: Bottom axis: PC1 score. parameters of the form __ so that its Components representing random fluctuations within the dataset. Machine Learning by C. Bishop, 12.2.1 p. 574 or Feb 17, 2023 There are a number of ways we can check for this. New data, where n_samples is the number of samples leads to the generation of high-dimensional datasets (a few hundred to thousands of samples). I agree it's a pity not to have it in some mainstream package such as sklearn. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is an unsupervised statistical technique used to examine the interrelation among a set of variables in order to identify the underlying structure of those variables. The alpha parameter determines the detection of outliers (default: 0.05). The correlation circle axes labels show the percentage of the explained variance for the corresponding PC [1]. The correlation circle (or variables chart) shows the correlations between the components and the initial variables. vectors of the centered input data, parallel to its eigenvectors. for reproducible results across multiple function calls. The first map is called the correlation circle (below on axes F1 and F2). Project description pca A Python Package for Principal Component Analysis. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Includes both the factor map for the first two dimensions and a scree plot: It'd be a good exercise to extend this to further PCs, to deal with scaling if all components are small, and to avoid plotting factors with minimal contributions. it has some time dependent structure). constructing approximate matrix decompositions. randomized_svd for more details. Probabilistic principal (Cangelosi et al., 2007). Then, these correlations are plotted as vectors on a unit-circle. Notice that this class does not support sparse input. 6 Answers. The following code will assist you in solving the problem. Learn how to import data using Example: Normalizing out Principal Components, Example: Map unseen (new) datapoint to the transfomred space. For example the price for a particular day may be available for the sector and country index, but not for the stock index. If svd_solver == 'arpack', the number of components must be # I am using this step to get consistent output as per the PCA method used above, # create mean adjusted matrix (subtract each column mean by its value), # we are interested in highest eigenvalues as it explains most of the variance covariance matrix on the PCA transformatiopn. Run Python code in Google Colab Download Python code Download R code (R Markdown) In this post, we will reproduce the results of a popular paper on PCA. This analysis of the loadings plot, derived from the analysis of the last few principal components, provides a more quantitative method of ranking correlated stocks, without having to inspect each time series manually, or rely on a qualitative heatmap of overall correlations. An interesting and different way to look at PCA results is through a correlation circle that can be plotted using plot_pca_correlation_graph(). cov = components_.T * S**2 * components_ + sigma2 * eye(n_features) See. I don't really understand why. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Fit the model with X and apply the dimensionality reduction on X. Compute data covariance with the generative model. X is projected on the first principal components previously extracted I'm looking to plot a Correlation Circle these look a bit like this: Basically, it allows to measure to which extend the Eigenvalue / Eigenvector of a variable is correlated to the principal components (dimensions) of a dataset. How do I concatenate two lists in Python? Power iteration normalizer for randomized SVD solver. View statistics for this project via Libraries.io, or by using our public dataset on Google BigQuery. (2011). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. For example, stock 6900212^ correlates with the Japan homebuilding market, as they exist in opposite quadrants, (2 and 4 respectively). It shows a projection of the initial variables in the factors space. range of X so as to ensure proper conditioning. Linear regression analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: How to print and connect to printer using flutter desktop via usb? will interpret svd_solver == 'auto' as svd_solver == 'full'. Scikit-learn is a popular Machine Learning (ML) library that offers various tools for creating and training ML algorithms, feature engineering, data cleaning, and evaluating and testing models. n_components: if the input data is larger than 500x500 and the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to measure the linear correlation between any two variables. The correlation circle (or variables chart) shows the correlations between the components and the initial variables. Besides the regular pca, it can also perform SparsePCA, and TruncatedSVD. The feature names out will prefixed by the lowercased class name. variables. - user3155 Jun 4, 2020 at 14:31 Show 4 more comments 61 Principal component analysis (PCA) is a commonly used mathematical analysis method aimed at dimensionality reduction. We basically compute the correlation between the original dataset columns and the PCs (principal components). Using principal components and factor analysis in animal behaviour research: caveats and guidelines. Dataset The dataset can be downloaded from the following link. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The estimated number of components. and our Probabilistic principal similarities within the clusters. smallest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of X. The ggcorrplot package provides multiple functions but is not limited to the ggplot2 function that makes it easy to visualize correlation matrix. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. We basically compute the correlation between the original dataset columns and the PCs (principal components). 598-604. python correlation pca eigenvalue eigenvector Share Follow asked Jun 14, 2016 at 15:15 testing 183 1 2 6 GroupTimeSeriesSplit: A scikit-learn compatible version of the time series validation with groups, lift_score: Lift score for classification and association rule mining, mcnemar_table: Ccontingency table for McNemar's test, mcnemar_tables: contingency tables for McNemar's test and Cochran's Q test, mcnemar: McNemar's test for classifier comparisons, paired_ttest_5x2cv: 5x2cv paired *t* test for classifier comparisons, paired_ttest_kfold_cv: K-fold cross-validated paired *t* test, paired_ttest_resample: Resampled paired *t* test, permutation_test: Permutation test for hypothesis testing, PredefinedHoldoutSplit: Utility for the holdout method compatible with scikit-learn, RandomHoldoutSplit: split a dataset into a train and validation subset for validation, scoring: computing various performance metrics, LinearDiscriminantAnalysis: Linear discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction, PrincipalComponentAnalysis: Principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction, ColumnSelector: Scikit-learn utility function to select specific columns in a pipeline, ExhaustiveFeatureSelector: Optimal feature sets by considering all possible feature combinations, SequentialFeatureSelector: The popular forward and backward feature selection approaches (including floating variants), find_filegroups: Find files that only differ via their file extensions, find_files: Find files based on substring matches, extract_face_landmarks: extract 68 landmark features from face images, EyepadAlign: align face images based on eye location, num_combinations: combinations for creating subsequences of *k* elements, num_permutations: number of permutations for creating subsequences of *k* elements, vectorspace_dimensionality: compute the number of dimensions that a set of vectors spans, vectorspace_orthonormalization: Converts a set of linearly independent vectors to a set of orthonormal basis vectors, Scategory_scatter: Create a scatterplot with categories in different colors, checkerboard_plot: Create a checkerboard plot in matplotlib, plot_pca_correlation_graph: plot correlations between original features and principal components, ecdf: Create an empirical cumulative distribution function plot, enrichment_plot: create an enrichment plot for cumulative counts, plot_confusion_matrix: Visualize confusion matrices, plot_decision_regions: Visualize the decision regions of a classifier, plot_learning_curves: Plot learning curves from training and test sets, plot_linear_regression: A quick way for plotting linear regression fits, plot_sequential_feature_selection: Visualize selected feature subset performances from the SequentialFeatureSelector, scatterplotmatrix: visualize datasets via a scatter plot matrix, scatter_hist: create a scatter histogram plot, stacked_barplot: Plot stacked bar plots in matplotlib, CopyTransformer: A function that creates a copy of the input array in a scikit-learn pipeline, DenseTransformer: Transforms a sparse into a dense NumPy array, e.g., in a scikit-learn pipeline, MeanCenterer: column-based mean centering on a NumPy array, MinMaxScaling: Min-max scaling fpr pandas DataFrames and NumPy arrays, shuffle_arrays_unison: shuffle arrays in a consistent fashion, standardize: A function to standardize columns in a 2D NumPy array, LinearRegression: An implementation of ordinary least-squares linear regression, StackingCVRegressor: stacking with cross-validation for regression, StackingRegressor: a simple stacking implementation for regression, generalize_names: convert names into a generalized format, generalize_names_duplcheck: Generalize names while preventing duplicates among different names, tokenizer_emoticons: tokenizers for emoticons, http://rasbt.github.io/mlxtend/user_guide/plotting/plot_pca_correlation_graph/. First, some data. plant dataset, which has a target variable. Two arrays here indicate the (x,y)-coordinates of the 4 features. Transform data back to its original space. number of components such that the amount of variance that needs to be You can find the Jupyter notebook for this blog post on GitHub. How to plot a correlation circle of PCA in Python? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'reneshbedre_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reneshbedre_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'reneshbedre_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',147,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reneshbedre_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-147{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}In addition to these features, we can also control the label fontsize, 2016 Apr 13;374(2065):20150202. Adaline: Adaptive Linear Neuron Classifier, EnsembleVoteClassifier: A majority voting classifier, MultilayerPerceptron: A simple multilayer neural network, OneRClassifier: One Rule (OneR) method for classfication, SoftmaxRegression: Multiclass version of logistic regression, StackingCVClassifier: Stacking with cross-validation, autompg_data: The Auto-MPG dataset for regression, boston_housing_data: The Boston housing dataset for regression, iris_data: The 3-class iris dataset for classification, loadlocal_mnist: A function for loading MNIST from the original ubyte files, make_multiplexer_dataset: A function for creating multiplexer data, mnist_data: A subset of the MNIST dataset for classification, three_blobs_data: The synthetic blobs for classification, wine_data: A 3-class wine dataset for classification, accuracy_score: Computing standard, balanced, and per-class accuracy, bias_variance_decomp: Bias-variance decomposition for classification and regression losses, bootstrap: The ordinary nonparametric boostrap for arbitrary parameters, bootstrap_point632_score: The .632 and .632+ boostrap for classifier evaluation, BootstrapOutOfBag: A scikit-learn compatible version of the out-of-bag bootstrap, cochrans_q: Cochran's Q test for comparing multiple classifiers, combined_ftest_5x2cv: 5x2cv combined *F* test for classifier comparisons, confusion_matrix: creating a confusion matrix for model evaluation, create_counterfactual: Interpreting models via counterfactuals. 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