School Uniforms Can Be an Extra Cost. Opponents argue that school uniforms suppress students' creativity and self-expression. (Name will only be used to verify billing. In 1997, Rauscher graduated from the University of Illinois with a B.A. The evidence behind teachers having dress codes/ uniforms: While there is a lot of pressure on how teachers, plan, teach and deliver their lessons, there is not a lot of discussion or emphasis on . Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to implement a school uniform policy is up to each individual school. Why Is Uniform Important Debate? According to Rebecca Smithers, wearing uniform is more effective at promoting conformity than individuality. This is especially important for students who are feeling down or isolated. Wondering if you can write a 2-page essay in 1 hour? Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms They affect self-image, and even attract bullying and violence. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Equality among student. While some students might appreciate the minimized distractions that result from school uniforms, others will feel compelled to act out in a rebellious manner. And, in the interest of fairness, we also present counterpoints from the other side of the argument. These cookies do not store any personal information. For one, uniforms can be very uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. The high cost is another reason why uniforms should be banned. In this essay I will provide to you three reasons why students should not have to wear uniforms. It has also been studied and conclusions drawn that schools that have uniforms have students exhibiting better school results. Sense of Identity or Loss of Individuality? They should probably be optional. Malikat Usamot May 6, 2022 at 9:51 AM, Leslie Bustillo May 6, 2022 at 8:49 AM. School uniforms should be banned. School uniforms should not be mandatory because students should be able to express themselves, you pay more for certain uniforms, and it can affect one's self-image. According to the research, 1,318* teachers, parents, and students from 1,318* schools agreed that wearing a uniform was acceptable. Students who are transgender, genderfluid, or non-conforming may feel unwelcome in schools that require uniforms, according to her. . Tell us why and vote! American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, "Four Reasons Public Schools Should Think Twice Before Instituting School Uniform Policies,", Dec. 19, 2008: 18. . It would also be easier to identify them in groups if they were dressed in the same clothes, which would give teachers peace of mind for when they are out on field trips. This can be particularly difficult for adolescents, who are trying to discover their own identity and place in the world. Despite mixed reactions among students, wearing a uniform is beneficial to a variety of reasons. Some parents cannot afford a lot of uniforms! Here is an insight into the reasons why students should wear uniforms in schools. The second reason why uniforms should not be worn in school is because uniforms can cost a lot of money. 1. In most schools in New Zealand, uniform uniforms are the norm. Lakia Wilson believes that if they appear to be doing something, it is usually because they are acting it out. Numerous studies show the varying sides of the debate, including the pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to require school uniforms in schools is up to the individual school or district. 2. The researcher will also visit schools to . Finally, dont give up! It becomes a question of values, and what parents want their children to learn, not just in an academic sense but in a moral way. It would also be easier to identify them in groups if they were dressed in the same clothes, which would give teachers peace of mind for when they are out on field trips. Uniforms don't stop students from being what they are. As a result, uniform displays a clear message of equality. Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. For one, uniforms can be very uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. Saves time When students wear uniforms, it helps them in saving a lot of time as they do not have to select different clothes to wear to school every day. If we didnt have this uniform policy, this would not happen. . Students fifth grade self-reports were also used in the study. Personal expression is a fundamental right according to the First Amendment, so allowing students to wear items of clothing that resonate with who they are enabling them to feel heard, and not feel policed. Some people feel that school uniforms help create a sense of unity and pride within the school, and help to reduce bullying and gang violence. They may be disruptive for students who are not behaving, and they may be too restrictive for students who want to express themselves through their clothing. Opinion: School Clubs should be a requirement, Sydney Ellis May 10, 2022 at 1:34 PM. First, students should have the right to express themselves. When all students are wearing the same thing, there is less opportunity for someone to be singled out for their clothing choices. This is not the stereotypical school uniform associated with Catholic schools - pleated plaid skirt with a blouse for girls; a button-down shirt, a necktie and dark pants for boys. For example, few students wear red clothes, some wear blue clothes, while some wear clothes that have many colors, and they all study in a class. Hope this comes to the light in parents decisions. I agree with this article but surprisingly i have no problem with wearing uniform. Some may assume that school uniforms lessen a family's clothing expense. In fact, some research has even suggested that uniforms may have a negative impact on student engagement and motivation. Everyone dresses the same so everyone thinks the same. Fourth, they can limit social interaction. Uniforms contributed to a positive school culture at Van Nuys, and nearly every parent supported their adoption. It is less likely for students to be picked on or made fun of if they dress in the same way. It was like that way before. Uniforms are as much about safety as they are about inclusion. I feel like its so draining trying to find something to wear everyday. Wearing the same thing every day obviously gets boring, and limits an individual's ability to craft a personal and unique style. And So form kids wearing uniform to having free dress uniform should not be required for lack of communication. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that 23 percent of primary schools in America require students to wear uniforms to school. The implication of this is that they would need an extra set of uniforms. I totally agree and stand by everything you said. Sometimes, it is just a case of throwing on a jacket or layering your scarves, but in the case of extreme weather, most students would find it difficult to dress appropriately when they are already uncomfortable to begin with. They allow students to be themselves and express themselves freely. When youre younger, a school uniform seems a matter of pride, when youre older, the same uniform seems a shackle. Uniforms are not required for students to wear to school. Sorry, there was an error loading this poll. Furthermore, for countries where students wear uniforms, our study discovered that students listen to music more often, make fewer noise complaints, and have a lower teaching waiting time when classes begin on time. There is nothing more important for a young person than self-expression. The second advantage of wearing uniforms is that it makes students more focused in class. First and foremost, one of the main reasons why students should not have to wear school uniforms is because they can be a financial burden on families. In short, they foster team spirit. Clothing is also likely to be disruptive if a student is disruptive. Many families cannot afford to buy multiple sets of uniforms, especially if their children are growing quickly. The majority of developed countries, including the United States, support the right to wear clothing that expresses ones individuality. This is a free essay sample available for all students. What are good reasons for wearing school uniforms? . Here are some listings including reasons why students should not wear school uniforms. Thankfully, I now go to a school where there is no uniform policy. . Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one simple outfit every day. Students Can Feel Policed in School Uniforms. By denying students the opportunity to express themselves through their clothing, schools may be stifling their creativity and individuality. Why students should not wear uniforms essay - Intro. I agree with the ideas listed. While there are some advantages to wearing a school uniform, the benefits are not as great as proponents claim. Children are frequently uncomfortable wearing uniforms, and they feel limited in their freedom of expression. The comfort that donning ones own clothes brings. Additionally, uniforms can help to level the playing field, giving all students an equal opportunity to succeed. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! They appear to be more important in terms of discipline and reducing noise levels, as opposed to being more effective in terms of discipline. For one, they promote unity and teamwork. They can wear accessories suitable to their needs and liking. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. In conclusion, students should not be required to wear uniforms. To people who actually experience bullying, it can look ridiculous, if not dangerous. In conclusion, uniforms may seem like a simple solution to promoting discipline and unity in schools, but they come with many drawbacks. Not to be looked as just a part of a group, but as someone who has their own personality and behavioral patterns. that donning ones own clothes brings. So for them, the best way to avoid situations like this is to prevent students from independently choosing their school wardrobe. Rather than a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt that can be worn to school and also worn on the weekends, now a student needs two outfits a uniform and another outfit for street clothing. Additionally, uniforms can be a source of embarrassment for some students, who may feel they do not fit in or look their best in them. When schools dont require uniforms, it means that they would have to impose a general dress code that all students would have to abide by. As an adult, controlling the socialization process could be harmful to the student. For example, girls may be forced to wear skirts or dresses, even when it is hot outside. Apparently the same casual mind-set toward revealing outfits is cropping up in the . They will not be judged on their appearance, but on their achievements. Adopting a Rescue Dog: 10 Reasons Why Its Medical Reasons for Not Wearing Hijab: What You 10 Reasons Why I Deserve a Scholarship: A UFO Shot Down Over Lake Huron: 10 Reasons 10 Shocking Truths about the Lethal Ecological Disaster 10 Reasons Why Ohios Train Derailment Disaster is 10 Reasons Why Valentines Day is for Simps: 10 Mysterious Ways Animals Foretell Natural Disasters. When everyone wears the same clothes, the question of analyzing socio-economic backgrounds and money making powers dont come into the picture. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 9. You are welcome to use these essay samples on "How is Psychology Used In Everyday Life" for your research, term paper or school, college, or university project. Another main reason I think students shouldn't have to wear uniforms because students should be able to express themselves through what they wear and not be forced to wear the same thing every other student wears. As a result, many students don't accept it and consider it one form of a human rights violation. For every report citing decreased crime and bullying, or increased test scores and school pride, there is another report that has found these benefits to be exaggerated or simply non-existent. Schools with strict dress codes and uniforms have gone so far as to disallow small, cartoon images on socks, or certain brand names. It's a burden to parents who cannot afford two sets of clothes for each child. Pearly Fonji Mar 17, 2022 at 11:01 AM. Some even added a side note saying that wearing regular clothes is cheaper and comfier than uniforms. Combining this with the fact that the benefits are overstated or simply false, you might conclude that this is an unworthy battle for schools and administrators to fight. Third, they can be uncomfortable and hot. This promotes socialization. Some children, particularly in the lower grades, may benefit from having them. However, many parents have complained about the cost of uniforms, which can be significant. The most significant impact of school uniforms on the wealth gap is that they may help to close it. Uniforms can also contribute to a sense of conformity and sameness within a school. Perhaps the biggest argument against wearing school uniforms is that it inhibits a students personal expression and creativity. There are many reasons why students should not wear uniforms. We asked five experts. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. One reason kids should not wear uniforms to school is because they can have high costs for parents/guardians to pay for. While some may argue that uniforms promote a sense of community and belonging, they can also create a homogenous culture that does not value or celebrate diversity. #1. We would look at other kids who wore what they wanted to school and felt envious. School Uniforms Deprive Students of Freedom of Expression Being able to express yourself is a right that every parent wants their children to learn from a young age. Deyoni Butler Apr 25, 2022 at 8:57 AM. Uniforms make students feel less at ease in the classroom. However, I believe that the arguments against uniforms are stronger than the arguments in favor of them, and that schools should not require students to wear uniforms. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. When kids wear school uniforms that they are not comfortable in, to begin with, it destroys their confidence and self-esteem, and they dont feel secure enough to interact with other students for fear of being judged. Jannah is a Clean Responsive WordPress Newspaper, Magazine, News and Blog theme. Reasons for not wearing school uniform.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jennifer Tamayo and Dusaun Shedden (Editor), Claudette Colvin The Woman Who Came Before Rosa Parks, 5 Memphis police officers plead not guilty in the death of Tyre Nichols, I would like to remain anonymous. Uniforms also create a sense of belonging and identity for students, connecting them to their school and their classmates. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Uniforms are too plain and ordinary. Therefore, many parents . An American student has been raised in terms of freedom and individualistic culture. 10 Reasons to Celebrate National Drink Wine Day. This can create a financial barrier for some students, which can be unfair and discriminatory. When there is a standard, dirty or unkept clothing becomes a non-issue. I dont understand why high school student have to wear uniform especially since they call us young adults but dont give us the freedom to wear what we want. Is it right to have this rule when some might find it difficult to sponsor the same? Some students don't feel they look good in the required uniforms, though, leading to feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. Since some respondent is far, the researcher will send the questions via email and interview over the internet. Pro 2: They can increase student focus. I think only private schools should have a uniform policy. Additionally, unlike blue jeans which can be worn year after year, school uniforms often need to be replaced due to redesigns and color changes that occur with grade levels. Wearing a uniform takes away our freedom of expression as it limits how we can express ourselves. In a growing number of school districts across the nation, students must wear a uniform. Second, school uniforms help students to focus on learning. The third benefit of wearing uniforms is that it saves money on clothing and cleaning. Erases Cultural Differences. Expressing yourself with your clothes and creating your individual style is a coveted sentiment, especially for adolescents who are just about finding a way in the adult world. The effect on this is that kids will either want to come to school. One reason why so many academic leaders are wary of removing the uniform policy in their schools is that many kids will go wild with their fashion choices. I oscillated between feelings of discarding the school uniform and wearing it, all throughout my school years. Students can still be innovative and add a creative touch to their uniforms. These reasons are why kids should not wear uniform. This can lead to additional stress and hardship for families who are already struggling financially. You are welcome to use these essay samples on "What Does Beauty Mean to You" for your research, term paper or school, college, or university project. Public School Review: Do Uniforms Make Schools Better? Here, we evaluate the reasons why schools should not require students to wear uniforms. In general, children do not want to wear school uniforms for a variety of reasons, including the following. Students can wear a variety of creative items, such as buttons or jewelry. Additionally, uniforms can be restrictive and prevent students from expressing their individuality. Additionally, uniforms can be restrictive and prevent students from expressing their individuality. 31. If students are not permitted to demonstrate their individuality and originality through dressing, they may develop feelings of oppression and discouragement, which can damage their personality. Exploring 10 reasons why on all sorts of topics. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. There is a sense of community among students, a sense of identity and belonging to the school, a reduction in random attraction and its effects, a reduction in suspensions, and a reduction in bullying. These uniforms are frequently inadequate for childrens needs, and thus waste money. School uniforms should be replaced with dress codes which can better cater to student needs. For example, if a uniform requires girls to wear skirts and pants are not allowed, some students and parents may object, leading to conflict with the school administration. Furthermore, uniforms can be expensive to purchase, as they are often sold at a premium price due to their association with schools. Uniforms save teachers and administrators valuable time. You can also get a company to write an essay for a scholarship application! Reasons Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms MATT RAUSCHER 25 JUN 2018 CLASS The National Center for Education Statistics reports that 23 percent of primary schools in America require students to wear uniforms to school. Parents who arent really into shelling out excess money for, or are not in the position to find funds for sponsoring that uniformwhat about them? Students have been sent home from school for wearing clothing that is inappropriate for their ages. Not wearing the same kind of clothes, then may it be a uniform, is a way of, . To many people, this sounds like a reasonable solution to the pervasive problem of bullying. Furthermore, we discovered that students who wear school uniforms significantly outperform those who do not, as well as lower noise levels and lower teaching waiting times, when compared to other countries. Some opponents argue that students lack self-esteem and sense of comfort. Low-income students in schools that required uniforms showed slight improvements in attendance but only for a single day per year. Moving the emphasis away from academics and toward demanding conformity may negatively impact academic and student behavior. Keep fighting for what you believe in and eventually youll get the results you want. While there is some evidence that wearing uniforms has a negative effect on school behavior, new research suggests that this is not true. The goal of our efforts is to help our children avoid problems associated with modesty and cleanliness. A serious study environment is encouraged when there is the power of the uniform looming large. If you are looking where to buy In more traditional or conservative settings, students are usually expected to come to school in uniforms. Makyah White Mar 17, 2022 at 9:13 AM. Create Cohesion This is perhaps one of the most important reasons why students should wear school uniforms. You are welcome to use these essay samples on "How Will Our Society Be Remembered In 100 Years" for your research, term paper or school, college, or university project. She takes off from her own experience and champions the feelings of teenagers like herself. Educators have discovered that uniforms can significantly improve student performance and reduce disciplinary problems. You produce a mass effect, a common generation with that uniform, is what you do. You are welcome to use these essay samples on "American Dream in Death of a Salesman" for your research, term paper or school, college, or university project. Attract bullying and violence can still be innovative and add a creative touch to their needs liking. You have questions or want to learn more seems a shackle college, classroom has answers... Come into the reasons why students should have the right to have 10 reasons why students should not wear uniforms rule when might! 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