Over the summer, Clare was diagnosed with cancer, and Eli took time off from his internship and living in New York to help care for her. Drew says that they should just stay out of each others way from now on. Eli reminds her that it's her dream. She asks him "How do you say goodbye to someone who changed your life?" Clare meets Eli at their bench later that day and tells him that she figured things out and realizes that Eli has been acting differently because he is thinking about Julia. At Above the Dot, Clare introduces Jake to Sadie, Dave, Alli, K.C., and Eli. She tries to guess the combination but it doesn't work. He hands her a book and as she flips through it, she realizes it's a book of their emails during theirrelationship. It was the last straw when Eli crashed his hearse for herwhenshe just needed space. Later, at dock, Eli and Clare wait with everyone else for their boat to arrive. They have been in multiple love triangles with Fitz, Jake, Imogen, Drew and Lenore. Clare is sitting in her kitchen staring at the same frame she saw in the gas station when Eli comes up and says it's time for the procedure. Clare and Eli smile at Degrassi's Thanksgiving feast. Clare tells him, "When we watched The Dark Knight together, you talked nonstop about how Christopher Nolan took all these familiar, played out elements, and made them new again." They both appeared in 100 or more episodes: Eli (113) and Clare (181). Clare learns more about Eli's past with Julia and realizes how different the two of them are. She says that they only have one night left in disbelief. Though some Degrassi Minis and webisodes are considered canon and others not, Eli and Clare have some that are confirmed canon and some very likely to be canon. Eli assures her he would have been beautiful and amazing. He runs into Mr. Simpson and freaks him out. Eli asks why didn't she tell him. Take for example, this all too common scenario. After Fitz leaves, Clare comes outside to find Eli sitting in Morty will his head down. Clare and Eli laugh at each others jokes in birthing class. Clare asks how she's delusional and Alli responds that she and Eli will never be friends because it's just not possible. Later, Clare prepares for a date with Eli. They find a closet to make out in before being interrupted by Imogen's crying. Later, Clare and Eli are trying to build their baby's crib but Clare starts worrying that they could build it wrong. Clare tells Eli he should come back later, and Eli and Adam leave to catch up. They both graduated from Degrassi. Instead of confronting Drew, he pleads with Clare to give their relationship another chance. In All Falls Down (1), Fitz threatens to harm Eli. When the truth is revealed, it is shown that he loves Clare's wig. Clare obliges and they get in the car. When the three of them are sitting there Eli reveals to them that he is bipolar. Mr. Simpson asks Clare if it's true, and she agrees, even though she was still mad. Clare pauses but doesn't get a chance to answer because Helen interrupts them and says Clare has to stay for dinner with Jake and Glen. Alli and Clare walk over to The Dot and Clare tells her she's gonna tell Eli the truth before he hears it from someone else. Eli then tells Clare she has pretty eyes. Eli comforts her and stays by her side through her treatment. Clare says she's going to convince Columbia to accept her offer. 2017. Then, Talia comes up to him, gives him back his shirt, and asks him he's still "coming down." Eli tells her they shouldn't waste the night and offers Clare her crown. Eli reassures Clare he won't do MDMA again. InBasket Case, Drew drops Clare off at her house after an entire day of poster-making. Clare and Eli look on as K.C. Eli shows up at Clares house and explains why he hangs on to things. Clare agrees to talk to Eli. He drum roles while Clare opens up the newspaper; she finds the article is not in it and tells Eli she'll get to the bottom of it. Later on, Eli finds Clare in the cafeteria. Eli tells her that he has to stay in New York to finish his short film and can't go bungee jumping. 2 Older couples (aged 55 and up) are most likely to have this sleeping arrangement, with 16% reporting that they have separate bedrooms. In Halo (1), Eli and Clare are holding hands before Adam teases them, which causes them to let go of each others hand. Did Eli sleep with Lenore? But sometimes when you do that thing, other things happen, and one of those things did happen, and it's still happening currently, and am I making any sense? Clare smiles and says this party is what everyone needed. Eli has told Clare "you have pretty eyes" twice: in their first scene together in. Then Clare tells Eli that the gift is nice; he then puts his arm around her as they continue to sit on the bench. Eli invites Clare to a mysterious party but she declines and tells him to focus on the video yearbook. Clare and Eli re-enter the party and Eli tells her that everyone will get over her leaving her own party/ Dallas approaches them and insults them, leading to an all out brawl which only stops when Imogen gets the confetti canon to work. Clare pauses and says "well" Eli tells her to go and that they'll always find their way back to each other. Clare tries to further explain, but Eli cuts her off, saying, "No, you don't get to come here every time you want to for a chat. His viewpoint changed, and now believes that they possibly could be the "party-throwing types." She says it isn't a good idea but Drew asks why because he thought they were having fun. After the kiss, Eli tells Clare he has a French exam. ", They were the first ones to find out that, On the Degrassi Writer's Twitter, the writers, Their post-movie ritual is to "eat pie and talk about it. He then walks away leaving her shocked, ashamed, and upset with herself. Clare tells him that he made Clara the hero, and Eli quickly says, "Because she is the hero." Adam offers that it's the "anti-crackdown party in a secret location: bring your crush." He begins to walk away when Clare cries that she can't imagine a life without him. Clare then starts to talk to Eli, but ends up yelling at him because he acts nonchalant, prompting her to scream the famous line "Did three months mean nothing?! Clare adds that it's just not fair. In shock, he tells her not to look and to go find a teacher and call 911. Eli arrives to help Clare babysit Dallas' son Rocky and when Eli gifts Rocky with a water gun, Clare gets angry and demands Eli take it back. This is when the police find them and take Fitz into custody. Eli says it was the long distance, adding they barely made it though this year. Eli is the second of Clare's boyfriend's that have cheated on her, the first being K.C., who started developing feelings for Jenna in. Eli tells her she can't hitchhike to New York and Clare says she can if she can find someone to take her. Eli says it's "Like a something." She comes home to find Eli and Jake high, takes the weed, and tells Eli to go upstairs to her bedroom so her mom won't catch him. In Bitter Sweet Symphony (2), Eliwalks behind Clare asking to let him talk. He tries to convince her to celebrate and Clare thinks that they should talk about what happened to Cam. Eli tells her that they'll think of something else to do. In Thunderstruck, Clare missed her interview for Columbia University because she was in the hospital after falling and needing stitches. Alli walks by at the perfect moment and Clare makes up an excuse that she and Alli need time to talk about their dresses for the dance. Clare texts a picture of a sexy outfit to Eli. Clare suggests that Eli cheated on her because she isn't good enough for him. Clare says "For the last time, Eli and I are done." Clare tries to quote a line from the play but Eli tells her they have to stop thinking of themselves as Romeo and Juliet cause looked how that turned out. Fitz threatens Eli with the knife and has him cornered, ready to strike, with Clare watching in petrified shock. Eli looks at her surprised. Later at Clare's house, Clare's talking to Eli about the huge storm outside and she hears the doorbell ring. The two make up and dance together. In Zombie (1), Dave believes Eli is a mess from his break up with Clare because he's very absorbed in working on his zombie movie. At the Dot, Alli finds Dallas with his celebration cake since he has got a job playing hockey for the Nippon Paper Cranes in Japan. . Eli asks her if she thinks she was or she was. Clare explains that Fitz had just showed up, beaten up, and that he's having problems at home. So you could just jump into bed with Drew Torres?" "Clare Edwards, you are the most incredible person I've ever met. After his successful interview, Eli runs through the cafeteria and high fives people. She looks uneasy. He realizes he's out of time when Clare shows up for the interview. Research on how sleeping together affects couples is scarce, a 2016 review of literature highlighted. She continues saying that it's embarrassing. Clare asks what he's talking about, and Eli says that he is talking about him and Clare. She tells him that he has nothing to worry about and promises to not let anyone come in between them. Clare offers to take Jake to Above the Dot to meet her friends, and Helen and Glen let them leave. No, I will not take a break. Eli Goldsworthy was the original e-boy and we all know it. When Clare says she used complex sentence structure and advanced vocabulary, Eli rolls his eyes. Adam and Drew suggest she gets a wig. Clare and Eli look at Adam and he smiles at Fiona. Clare finally tells Eli she is pregnant. She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. When he arrives, he is shocked to see Fitz standing with Clare in her living room. Eli and Clare are on the road as Eli comes up with potential questions Columbia's admissions officer might ask her like, "our first year program is full, how do I propose I let you in?" Eli moves to face Clare, takes her hands in his, looks in her eyes and tenderly says, "Clare Edwards you are the most incredible person I've ever met, and I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary, but I feel really lucky to be apart of this training with you and I love you and I will always be here for you no matter what." Clare and Eli are seen sitting at the Family Feast table with the student council. Zig and Miles hand Clare a gift basket they found on her doorstep from Eli. Nickname Fitz runs away when Eli drives up in his hearse. Eli and Clare's last lines were said to each other. Eli replies half-joking with "Edwards? The idea is to help Jake learn what makes Clare tick. Clare tells him she doesn't feel she can believe him, but Eli insists it meant nothing. Eli doesn't understand so Clare clarifies that they need to set some boundaries. Clare's stern face breaks into a smile and she turns around and she forgives him. In Come As You Are (1) they officially got back together after returning to Degrassi following winter break. Eli later hopes Brett his new project which is about him and Clare's relationship and him leaving her behind next year, Brett is impressed and gives Eli a reference letter. As she walks in she sees several students look up at her and then look on their phones. Clare says it was stupid to go after the hockey team when Asher is the one she wants. Eli reassures him that Fiona wasn't thinking straight and Clare adds that she will change her mind. Eli reassures her that when the police figure out he and Fitz aren't who their fake ID's say they are, then they'll be released. In Still Fighting It (1), as Clare gets up to get their assigned film package, Eli gets up and blocks her way, saying he'll get it. I'm here to prove you wrong." Clare then asks if Lenore was his producer, but he doesn't answer, he looks away regretfully. In Better Off Alone (2), Eli meets Clare at her locker to ask her why she didn't want to hang out, but when Clare starts ranting about her parents' relationship, Eli stops her and asks her to start over again. At the Frostival Clare offers Eli some cotton candy which Eli spits out. He immediately responds that he's coming home. Clare says she's gonna fight it and all three of them share a group hug. Alli tells Clare that she's seen that look on her face before. Eli gets up and says he can't do this if Drew's going to around all the time. However, Clare explains to him that Drew is her rock and that he is there for her more than he was able to be. Clare suggests that Eli is a hoarder and tells him she's going to stand by him just like he's supported her. They laugh. Shortly after, Cliff shows up with a corsage and Eli asks who he is. Clare asks if he's serious and Eli tells her to forget about that because he wants her to be happy after everything she's been through; she deserves it. Eli declines, as he says it's against Clare's morals. Clare corrects her and says it's not date, it's birthing class, and that they've high-fived because that's what strictly platonic co-parents do. This compares to just 3% of those aged 18 to 34 who said the same, and 7% of those aged 35 to 54. After they leave, Clare and Eli look at each other, worried. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. Clare reminds Alli that he's the same guy that crashed his hearse to stop them from breaking up. Eli walks into The Dot and is surprised to see Clare there because he thought she was sick. She later realizes that he cheated on her with Lenore and he says that it happened once. The next morning Clare is walking from the bus while Eli is leaning on his hearse watching out for Fitz. Eli sits up next to Clare. Eli said he wanted their first time seeing it together to be with each other. Eli offers to sleep on the floor and Clare can sleep on his bed, but she feels bad and offers to sleep on the floor instead. In Purple Pills (2), Eli and Clare try to convince Adam to not fight Fitz to solve his problems. Clare says they didn't date and asks about Lenore. Alli is upset that Dallas messed up the boat booking. They open the door to Eli's bedroom and find out it's a really messy room. Clare can't imagine a life without Eli but Eli uses his hand as a prop to emphasize the fact that he doesn't care. Clare nods and tells Eli "okay." Clare says she wants to wear a wig and wants things to be perfect. Eli says with a smirk, "Correction: some of them voted for us." Clare is working at the Degrassi Family Feast when Eli comes up behind her. Clare says she didn't know she could feel barfy and hungry at the same time so she just feels different. Later on, her and Eli are at her house. Imogen continues that when she tried to tell Ms. Clare wonders what he's doing at Degrassi. When bodies are not touching, this is called the liberty position. In Gives You Hell (1), Clare is seen outside prepared to eat her packed lunch when Eli walks by, takes it and throws the sandwich away. Eli notices she hasn't said anything and asks where she is. He smirks as he pushes ahead of her and she watches him leave, angrily. Clare says "what's one more student? Adam tells Eli to make it up to Clare by getting her a gift, Eli decides to get her internship back and goes go speak to Asher, Asher tells Eli, Clare is obsessed and in love with him and that's why she got fired. Eli reads Clare's article for The Interpreter. and removes the covers, exposing himself. Eli rebuffs him saying he wasn't talking to him and turns to Clare saying he wants to be with her but he doesn't want to be with her and Drew. She asks him what he's doing there, and he replies that he can't leave without trying to fix their relationship. After Clare asks if he's OK, he slams his fist hard into the table, causing Jake to come over and check on Clare. After Clare recovered and when college started up, Eli returned to New York, where he later cheated on Clare with his roommate Lenore, which he revealed to Clarein Black Or White, prompting the end of their relationship once again. Clare says she is going to New York and if he won't take her he'll find someone who will and walks off. Clare kisses Eli's hand when she's ready to head back home. Didn't expect to see those from such a whore." Clare mentions her diary was missing yesterday and when she checked again today, it was back. She then confidently throws her glasses away in a nearby trashcan. She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. Eli gets upset at her slip-up of the word "we," meaning her and Drew, and asks what her relationship with Drew is. A thing happened, a tiny one-time thing with Drew; a mistake. Clare tells Eli it's her fault this happened, but Eli tells her she is wrong, it's not her fault, it's Asher's and that he doesn't blame her. Eli says he wouldn't have done that if she just told him. The Time of My Life are the thirty-ninth and fortieth episodes of Season 12 of Degrassi, as well as the hour-long season finale. Before walking away, Eli tells him that he does pity him because Fitz isn't his friend. Clare smiles, saying she knew he rigged it and thanks him for making them prom king and queen. In (You Drive Me) Crazy, Eli tells Imogen about his situation with Clare and asks her to join him in his "wallowing.". Alli adds that she thinks Clare's moved on. "), Eli calls his relationship with Clare 'the best thing that ever happened to him. He then shows her some of his latte art which she remarks is a perfect swan. Eli then hands Clare his pay slip from work, saying to use it for baby stuff and also shows her a schedule for the parents and tots program stating that he circled some that looked good. Eli then is convinced that he should beat up Fitz. Clare, shocked and disappointed, starts to walk away. They briefly look at each other in silence until Jake and Drew find them, and they all head back to the cabin and Clare returns his jacket. Irene decides she must not tell Clare or Brian about meeting John, and will do whatever it takes to keep John from discovering the truth about Clare. She sets five books down and Dallas offers to let them babysit his son Rocky while he has an interview for a hockey team at Brown, Alli excitedly adds. She then tells him she finished it and asks him to read it out loud. Eli yells out that he knocked up his soulmate, ruined his life, and asks if that's all he has to say. Eli responds by asking her if she's saying he's some heartless monster to which she blurts out "sometimes." All Falls Down (1) (1023) (First Time) Come As You Are (1) (1201) (Second Time) The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time) Ready or Not (1414) (Fourth Time) Eli then gets the idea that she could skip class to write a better one. They also knew how to have fun together, like when they got their . Eli then replies that "Women are trouble." In Sabotage (2), Eli organizes a surprise 17th birthday party for Clare to cheer her up with the help of some friends and gets Alli to tell Clare that they have a spa voucher together. The atmosphere is a bit awkward, but that doesn't stop them from continuing. Clare tells them it's fine, but Eli wants answers about Dallas. Imogen thinks thats dumb and doesn't understand why people would ignore it because "how's the world gonna change if we ignore injustice?" He tries to convince her that he is over Julia, but Clare tells him to give her some space, which he agrees to. She tells him she's upset about the twitter trend #stuffclaresays, how everyone is tweeting what she says, and how Asher saw them when she didn't even say the stuff. Eli is surprised to hear that it was Clare who called his dad. Eli enters a room Clare is in and tells her that Alli made him stay, and Clare tells him Alli has been begging her to tell him. Later, Eli meets Adam in the place he is going to fight Fitz. He crumples up a paper napkin that he was about to hand her. First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride is essential to the history and future of disability politics. He adds they should talk about the stuff that happened this morning and Clare says no thank you. Her singing gets interrupted by Eli, and after the second time, she answers him, annoyed. They start the long process of throwing things out in his room, with Clare by his side for every item. Drew asks whether they can at least be civil for Clare's sake. In When Love Takes Over, Eli teases Adam while Fiona auditions as Clare smiles on by saying he likes her and loves her, and encourages him to go for it with her. Clare says it was too awesome. Alli crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at Clare. However, she is a kind-hearted person and cares for her friends and is willing to defend them if need be. Eli pulls Clare to one side before getting everyone's attention and tells Clare that she is the love of his life. Clare and Eli leave Adam and Fiona to talk. That's my thing." When Eli found out the truth from Imogen he apologized to Clare and asked to be a part of the baby's life and Clare eventually agreed to them being parents together to their kid. She is not nearly as excited as Eli would like her to be. Clare responds "What people?" She's slightly comforted by that and Eli starts going into how he understands why Clare is obsessed Asher and adds, forgetting he said to the contrary in order to comfort her, that he had some insightful questions, saying he might marry him too. Clare assures him it isn't about him. Clare and Eli are excited for their "re-first" date. Eli isn't comfortable with talking and thinks about seeing Cam's body. Clare tends to come across as stuck up and innocent, but can also be sneaky. She tells Adam about wanting her dad's watch back and is planning to sneak into Eli's room during lunch hour. Clare returns to Degrassi and tells Alli about this. Eli returns home to take care of Clare and help her fight cancer. Eli overhears as he cleans up a nearby table and makes a confused face. Adam offers to rehearse with Fiona by asking if she's free tonight while Eli and Clare look on, smiling and giggling, as they pretend to read their scripts. Clare tells Eli she's with him and lays her head on his shoulder. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. Hint - School : During what play did Eclare have their first kiss? Eventually, he gets in Morty and drives off. When sleeping back-to-back, both members of a couple lie on their side, but facing opposite directions. They shared their first kiss for a project on Romeo and Juliet in. (1), Clare is receiving driving lessons from Eli. Eli walks in and confesses that he still loves her. In Firestarter (2), Alli asks if Clare is worried about Eli finding out he's the father and bursting though the doors of the school with some big grand gesture to win her back. Because of a storm, flights are grounded and Clare is able to stay the night in New York. Clare and Alli get ready to go to Above the Dot at Clare's and Alli says maybe Adam is right about Eli being over her. Not only that, but they are allowed to stay out until 11pm since they don't have school tomorrow due to spring break. while her and Jenna do provocative dances. She clarifies that she said "'I think I'm in love with Jake.'" In Tonight, Tonight,While Eli and Clare are studying on Clare's bed she brings up universityand then looks sad because she knows Eli is leaving so soon. At Clare's house, Clare and Eli take a group selfie with Jenna, Connor, Alli and Dallas. Clare tells him to cover up and asks for a raincheck. He stares at her and she says that maybe he is. the others when they get invited to The Dot. In Building A Mystery (2), Eli is telling Clare about his project feeling really good this morning and that Jake helped him get over his writers block, she kisses him goodbye and wishes him luck. He says he's sorry that they have broken up and Clare says she guesses it wasn't meant to be. He says he loves her so much he can't think straight but he's wrong and he's sorry. In Can't Stop This Thing We Started, Clare tells Alli that Eli is sending her a surprise for getting into Columbia. Clare tells Eli to ignore Fitz, but he doesn't listen, saying the only way to deal with a bully is refusing to be the victim. Instead of joining in, Eli makes fun of her choice in music, saying it's "middle of the road." In Umbrella (1), Clare feels as if her own family is falling apart until that is, when Eli's parents give her a strange offer. Adam then says that the two of them give him the runs and Eli says it's entertaining. Clare, flustered, explains to him that she just had eye surgery and doesn't need them any more. Eli sighs. Eli agrees and says a secret study with a huge balcony and jokes that Clare wants a humidity-controlled beef jerky drawer. Clare tells him he's manipulating her, and that he scares her. Alli points out that that could be a good sign and Clare agrees and says they can be mature and walk the halls in peace. Eli says okay, with a smile on his face, and suggests that they eat breakfast and make a plan. Clare goes to find Eli, planning to tell him Fitz has a knife. Eli answers the question that Clare asked him off-screen, revealing Lenore's full name as Lenore Mantino. She smiles and says she's sorry for asking but what she writes down is a stream of consciousness, unedited, unproofed. When he asks if they can talk about it, Clare says there's nothing to talk about. He then tells her he finished the short film quickly so he could come bungee jumping with Clare. 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