CERN is "The European Organization for Nuclear Research" that operates the world's largest particle physics lab, and the LHC is an "atom smasher" to generate antimatter which is . When I lived in Illinois for a brief time, I remember hearing reports about the Batavia, Illinois particle accelerator and the pioneering work they had done and are STILL doing. That is why mandatory chipping will come to pass, because every human must become a literal part of the WWW, which is the 666. Read Enoch dialogs with God and the angel and read it again the saturday (everyone must respect the shabbat) and everytime needed COMMENTS POLICY: We have no tolerance for messages of violence, racism, vulgarity, obscenity or other such discourteous behavior. Your Hell-e-vision is the last set you WU ever need to buy because not only is it indestructible but it automatically upgrades itself for all eternity ever! If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV. While photographs and videos such as these could have a rational explanation in known phenomena or even be cleverly crafted CGI hoaxes, there are a fairly large number of people who insist that these are the result of CERN experiments pursuing the opening of interdimensional doorways and tears in the fabric between dimensions, even altering reality itself. Smashing particles at the speed of light (or near) is in my theory attacking God himself and as we know, without light there would be no life, Earth or the Moon possibly? They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. Red Voice Media CERN Scientists Admit Communicating With 'Entities' From Another Dimension - Anthony Patch [VIDEO] "So we're talking about the premier scientists on planet Earth right now, who are actively engaged according to their own words, communicating with something, something with a personality, in their own words, from another dimension." Prior to the Channel Tunnel, the . Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Go to, High-Speed, Secure & Anonymous VPN Service - 30 Day Free Trial, RVM is now on Roku Tv! CERN gears up to battle the latest round of conspiracy theories that the real aim of the Large Hadron Collider, which scientists used to discover a Higgs boson, is to blast open a gateway for . A video concurrently published to YouTube and the Facebook page . A plaque next to the statue, with a quote by Fritjof Capra, explains its significance: "Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. A video claims two images showing cloud and light over the LHC at Geneva on the French/Swiss border were taken on June 24 the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment to change the way it smashes particles together. CERN is perhaps most well-known for its massive Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider, which was built between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with hundreds of countries, universities and laboratories in a groundbreaking acheivement of science and engineering. to fool all the people by making a miracle is reign will last three year and six month. The World Wide Web was born at CERN. One would hope that such an advanced scientific facility deep underground would be able to keep out all of the weasels, birds and bread thatve seemingly been jamming their equipment. The evidence: CERN has "666" in its logo and the collider's loop is 16.6 miles in circumference, which is apparently close enough to the . Well. and cabal, unless they control it. The LHC itself is comprised of a vast loop stretching 27 kilometers (about 17 miles). But is it really that surprising when people have been reporting UFO sightings pretty much since the beginning of time, no not really! The official line on what the Awake experiments are about is to develop a new type of accelerator to cut the size of the huge particle physics experiments down by a factor of a hundred or more so they can be carried out on table tops. The name CERN also applies to its sprawling laboratory, which employs nearly 3,000 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Want to remove the ads? CERN also invented the internet, a matrix system that now covers the Earth. These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. . Child Prodigy Warns CERN Has Thrown Earth Into An Alternate Dimension. A leaked video depicts a human sacrifice conducted by researchers at the CERN nuclear research facility. The beast out of the SEA aka SPIRIT REALM in Revelation is Baal the demonic spirit king who was wound in the head the night Babylon fell whenever King Cyrus rode into Babylon. This notion has unleashed all manner of debate and conspiracy theories on whether such portals have been opened, and one place where this has been claimed to have been done is of course a secret scientific facility located in a remote area of Switzerland. She can only move backward and forward; but not left and right, nor up and down, so she only sees one dimension. "The interdimensional hypothesis ( IDH or IH ), is an idea advanced by Ufologists such as Jacques Valle that says unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own. Another way of revealing extra dimensions would be through the production of microscopic black holes. This loop is more or less used to hurl subatomic particles at extreme speeds in order to smash them into each other to test what will happen for the purpose of unlocking some of the secrets of our universe, including recreating the conditions of the Big Bang, to find out how our universe was created, and find dark matter and the so-called God Particle, among others. If micro black holes do appear in the collisions created by the LHC, they would disintegrate rapidly, in around 10-27 seconds. Is it not better to invest a few billion dollars worth of money in a laboratory that will help the World with new and improving technology? Its me again. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some believe it's CERN's mission to not only open portals, but to open a gateway for the Annunaki to return to Earth. It doesnt stop there with the name game either. HUGE armada of UFOs emerging out of a giant spiral near the sun? The theory basically states that CERN either killed us all and we're in some sort of purgatory, or they shifted us into an alternate universe when trying to discover the Higgs Boson (aka the god particle). TRENDING: The Natural Way: Introducing Java Burn Weight Loss With Black Coffee (secret recipe ) Video below: The European Organization for Nuclear Research is under attack from sceptics who believe that its stated scientific aims are masking a darker purpose. This is blatantly wrong, as energy, too is mass, is a scalar value. Everything is fine," someone said on Twitter. I dont know. Dont pray for you but for the others Its a sin to pray for himself. The rest is what the TEXT says. As prisons go, it could be worse. Up-down, left-right, forward-back: these are the three dimensions in which we eat and breathe, make friends and grow old. Perhaps reports and research by those who rule this planet over the last so many years, have created the desire to search for where these Inter-dimensional Beings are coming from ~ Just perhaps this is why we now have our very own Alien Technology hunting other worldly Dimensionsthe Large Hadron Collider at CERN! The Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider was commissioned in 1989 and, at 16.6 miles in circumference, is the largest electron-positron accelerator ever built. He said in my fathers house are MANY ROOMS. Human beings have the ability to perceive and embody different dimensional states of being, under certain conditions. ( ENT: " Azati Prime ", " Damage ", " Zero Hour ") I guess it could even be possible that there are a lot ofscience fictionmovies thatare actually based on real events, oras some may even call themleaks to the general public,given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population? Search Red Voice Media to find your favorite shows:, Get Dr. Vladimir 'Zev' Zelenko M.D. In addition to the alarm and fears that the LHC would create miniature black holes or undo reality itself are the various ideas and rumors that CERN is up to all kinds of top-secret experiments down there in the bowels of the earth. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. There are lots of things we cannot see with the naked eye that turn out to be based in reality. How could we test for extra dimensions? Please see below a transcript of some of the most important details of the report that you all need to know about: 1. We live in a dimension and we call this reality but in all reality its not. They are blood thirty Norwegian-Russ Vikings banished to Hell. The European Council for Nuclear Research. to have this type of physics being conducted in the United States, under the watchful eye of some military troll; but oh, not Europe, by the Swiss! Watch This Video Now Before Its Too Late. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. 7 HEADS with 10 HORNS and 10 CROWNS. Here's the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. Quayle does not mince words when giving his opinion on the consequences of experiments at CERN, saying: The men who would play God, in searching for the God particle, are truly going to find more than they bargained for as they open the gates of hell. One fascinating idea that has come to be a fixture of science fiction and fantasy is the notion of other universes and realities other than our own, new worlds existing side by side with us, bumping up against each other, different from our own, holding fantastical realms with their own laws of physics, and even harboring other versions of ourselves. The two opposite black and white liquid goo substances uniquely combine inside of your mind to create a third substance a grey liquid goo which is neither of the white goo universe nor of the black goo universe. no they are the enemies of Islam and all religions, therefore enemies of GOD! He said, "The only . And. The internet has now taken over everything about life. Not impressed with the torn shirt work out look while delivering gods word.. how about step up your style beautiful Brice? In recent years there has been increasing serious consideration of the idea of parallel universes, that we are but one of many, possibly infinite worlds, and the discussion has turned more and more towards the idea of whether travel between these realms is possible. The goal of any collider is to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, smashing them together and detecting the results of those collisions. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us. According to some of these exciting yet slightly bizarre unexpectedreports and Declassified documents, we have been visited by numerousextra-terrestrialbeings, some of whom, are not only from other planets beyond our own, but alsofrom other dimensions. In the latest round of experiments, CERN's scientists will study the properties of matter under extreme temperature and density, and will also be searching for explanations for dark matter and. Such heavy particles can only be revealed at the high energies reached by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The scientist claims to have had a great deal of rejection and many insults come his way along with disbelief of the images. There are only 3 good and big religions : Christianity, Muhammadanism, Judaism, Gabriel Archangel is the messenger of The Master of the Universe who has given the Quran The Bible does do a lot of symbolisms for things it is saying. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This particular FBI special agent, who was a lieutenant colonel whose identity has remained anonymous because of national security had gathered numerous amounts ofdata on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for manyyears. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size, 4. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. . CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. I should know, I am Swiss by family. If CMS were to find a Z-like particle (the Z boson being one of the carriers of the electroweak force) at 2 TeV for instance, this might suggest the presence of extra dimensions. New science and technology are GOOD things they are never not bad. to Muhammad but he has been fooled by a devil or a demon or maybe both and by his fellow Ali There are many other colliders all over the world.. 4. Report: Toxin Released By Controlled Burn In Ohio Train Derailment Was Mustard Gas! CERN Already Controls You, But The Rockefellers Control CERN, Copyright Infringement: Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it's a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet beneath the earth's surface. As for a sin to pray for self.. he just said dont because God already knows what you need, you dont NEED to ask. If Hollywood talks about it, or is part of their hyperbole, then there must be something to it. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland opened in 2008, with the first beam circulated on September 10 of that year. Einsteins general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. "We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second" for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, CERN's head of accelerators and technology Mike Lamont said, according to an AFP report. CERN Gateway to Hell Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions(video), One thing I have always been curious about was the financing of CERN. Aug 19, 2016, 03:17 AM EDT. Managing energy responsibly: CERN is awarded ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measur Civil-engineering work for the major upgrade E.G. do not pray out loud so as to be heard by others. The curious machine developed across a 16-mile ring of superconducting magnets has had critics before amid claims it could inadvertently create a black hole that may swallow up the world, but some of these wild conspiracies are among the strangest to date. 8. They have been instrumental in discovering new particles at CERN. For instance, legendary physicist Stephen Hawking has warned that the machine could create a black hole that ends all life as we know it, and even CERNs own Director for Research and Scientific Computing, physicist Sergio Bertolucci, has claimed that it is quite possible that a doorway between dimensions could possibly open, and has said that Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it. Whether the LHC can actually open rifts or doorways between parallel dimensions or not, some think that it could at the very least provide evidence that they exist. Everything you are about to see is real. That is the choice. the air foil, through the study of bird flight. It is an actual picture taken on June 24 2016. The Sphere-Builders, who lived within the trans-dimensional disturbance in the Delphic Expanse, were an example of a trans-dimensional species. For example, a hypercube is a higher dimensional artifact with each one of its sides being a three-dimensional cube. They will find inter-dimensional beings who have a taste for human flesh and humanitys destruction. Where can I learn more about the evil entities in electronics? In this article, we talk about the connection of the Rockefeller family dynasty to CERN. Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2023 Medeea Greere, an independent publisher,. No one is shocked that Illinois researchers have some deadly black hole opening device, because it is nonsense. This method of searching for missing energy in events is also used to look for dark matter or supersymmetric particles. As gravity is thought to be a force able to probe these extra dimensions, another way in which we may . (No, the Rothschilds DO NOT RUN SWITZERLAND). But the viral video recorded at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (a.k.a. One possibility is that we dont feel the full effect of gravity because part of it spreads to extra dimensions. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). but not Revelations. Everything is fine," someone said on Twitter. Some theorists suggest that a particle called the graviton is associated with gravity in the same way as the photon is associated with the electromagnetic force. Many eminent physicists believe it has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe itself. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson but it will take further work to determine whether or not it is the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. and the WATERS are NATIONS, MULTITUDES of PEOPLE and TONGUES (its all in chapter 17!) Who is behind the machine? >>>>The knowledge of course will be shared. Their mission is peaceful. This means that the Rockefellers control a HUGE amount of the financing of CERNs operations. Now the kings who give their power to the beast (or puppet nations) they all HATE the beast but give their power to the beast until they strike the whore and burn her to the ground and they WEEP after the destruction of the whore city not because she is gone but because the RICHES that once flowed from her are now gone and no more, THIS IS ALL IN CHAPTER 17 and the only opinion I injected is the 7 mountains to mean the 7 continents or mountains of the Earth! Many Orbs that are being seen around the world appear to have a similar energy force around them, as well as other UFOs captured on Camera, almost like they are not quite real, or put it in a better way relevant to the text below, they almost appear not of this world. Type above and press Enter to search. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Look up Lords Prayer in the Bible then read the section DIRECTLY before it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Its no secret that CERN is/has been used to open hell portals. The footage, which appeared to be filmed by a bystander . and she is the one you made her own devices ! So #CERN is being switched on again after 3 years, to open a portal or star gate in to another dimension, to cause destruction on mankind and out of the chaos bring order, their NWO! This is one spot in the Bible where it is very crystal clear and goes out of its WAY to clearly DEFINE what it is saying, and it does ALL OF THIS in chapter 17.. everyone quotes and references chapter 13 and give their opinion of what it MEANS.. when chapter 17 TELLS YOU WHAT IT MEANS!!! Technically all living beings are made of (more or less compressed) energy and based on certain factors, therefore potentially have the ability to exist in or move between other dimensions. Press Esc to cancel. Published Aug 16, 2016. The LHC is the worlds largest and most powerful machine and is actually used to collide particles at close to the speed of light in a bid to discover more about physics and the possibility of parallel universes. Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC, was made by Freedom Fighter Times, a religious conspiracy theory channel on YouTube, and raises major concerns about what the LCH is being used for. Oh no what are those secret Swiss hiding? GOOD LUCK! The combined strands of the superconducting cable being produced for . Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. 6. The film, entitled, Playing God: HAARP Weather Control A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare, The Brutal Reality of MK Ultra/CIA Evil Agenda, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2023, The Deep State Absolutely Wants To Kill You, Natural Cures This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side,, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, JFKS Historic Speech (April 27, 1961) Expose: Obama, Hillary, Bush, Pope Francis, Military Tribunals, Crimes Against Humanity & NWO (Must Watch), This is your Financial Bible | This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of GESARA-NESARA & XRP. And gravity is extremely weak. I have warned extensively about CERN and believe that the Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, one beyond space and time. I don't think it's a coincidence that we are seeing such an increase in UFO activity and "inter-dimensional beings", so much so that the mainstream news media is covering these events now. We know CERN has received taxpayer money from several governments across the world, but many people dont realize that the Rockefellers are behind a non-profit charity who funds. We know CERN has received taxpayer money from several governments across the world, but many people dont realize that the Rockefellers are behind a non-profit charity who funds ALL DONATIONS FROM THE UNITED STATES DIRECTLY TO GENEVA. READ IT! Everything you are about to see is real. If you want me to make more videos like this, then feel totally free to help me out. Most scientists, in lacking an understanding of the supernatural entities that are going to confront them, are way beyond their ability to comprehend, let alone control, the forces of Pandoras box that will be released. Others believe the LHC may in fact . Nemes has published many images through Facebook and revealed that since 2015 he posted more than 1000 photos to his page. In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming.. This is figurative for many dimensions in the spirit realm. Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva have spotted an unusual signal in their data that may be the first hint of a new kind of physics. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is about re-discovering Mans place in the Universe. Last October exclusively revealed claims from former Whitby town councillor Simon Parkes that he held a global meditation to prevent this happening. There is a whore who sits atop the beast with a golden cup in her hand. Scientist and the Elite Try to Hide What Really Happened at CERN, Demonic Entities, Extra Dimensions A& Productions 927K subscribers Subscribe 5.4M views 4 years ago Scientist are beginning to. An elementary particle at ordinary energies exerts negligible gravitational force. A report from Russia claimed that this very same time wave had instantaneously teleported an Airbus on its way to Bolivia thousands of miles away to the Canary Islands, along with its 170 passengers. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus). Financially, and/or just keep this channel in your prayers it is well needed! Brice Watson continues our deep dive into the banned books of the Bible. Take a look at this. CERN has many backers and many objectors but the most important is CERN itself, only it can address the worries of everyday people and they choose not too, why? This should be interesting to you in a episode of ghost adventure a woman use some strange devices to communicate with the stars and become possessed because she as used the book of necronomicon (dont read it please i dont want your soul and bodies to get hurt by bad stars ) and before she dies and her corpses was retrieved momified in his book relating her experiments she has written that evil can communicate by electronic devices This time the blackout was blamed on a piece of bread that had fallen into the device after being dropped by a bird. This trend continues going up the dimension ladder all the way to the nth . The research programme at CERN covers topics from kaons to cosmic rays, and from the Standard Model to supersymmetry, Steering and focusing: magnets and superconductivity. Preacher stands in front of his congregation and says everyone bow your heads and close your eyes and then proceeds to say out loud a prayer that is intended for the WHOLE CONGREGATION as if to talk to God ITS WRONG! However, the very presence of such a large and remote scientific facility located deep underground, its innately somewhat scary-sounding premise of smashing particles together at the speed of light, and its being manned by scientists working on strange experiments in a subterranean tunnel, have perhaps not surprisingly given it a somewhat ominous reputation, causing quite a bit of concern among the public and spawning all sorts of wild theories about what is really going on there in the dark depths of the earth. Discovering the truth about UFO Sightings and Alien contact, Humans Are Part Of An Aliens Computer Game States NASA Scientist,, Deep Space Object May Have Been Alien Probe, Harvard Paper Argues! As prisons go, it could be worse. According to dimensional tiering, a 4-D being would have an infinitely higher form of energy, and that there is "3-D" energy which we use. It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories. One of the angels says HEY, let me tell you ALL the juicy GOSSIP about what all this means. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. Any Collider is to accelerate particles at CERN, we talk about the connection of the Bible then read section! More than 1000 photos to his page allows physicists to test various theories Alternate dimension Train Derailment was Gas! Such heavy particles can only be revealed at the CERN nuclear research ( a.k.a to it been instrumental discovering. Parkes that he held a global meditation to prevent this happening a trans-dimensional.... 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